- total daily production 总日产量
- Yes, I'd like to know your daily production. 是的,我想知道你们的日生产额。
- Does the factory have daily production reports? 工厂有生产日报表吗?
- Input daily production reports in CMS. 在CMS里输入每天的生产报告。
- This is mostly domestic waste,and represents about 70 per cent of Hong Kong's total daily domestic waste production. 当中大部分为家居废物,占香港每日家居废物总产量约七成。
- Yes, I&uot;d like to know your daily production. 是的,我想知道你们的日生产额。
- This is mostly domestic waste, and represents about 70 per cent of Hong Kong's total daily domestic waste production. 当中大部分为家居废物,占香港每日家居废物总产量约七成。
- Outer package of cosmetic and daily product. 化妆品及日常用品的外包装。
- Further experiments with solar radiation treatments by exposing the alga to solar radiation with or filtered out of UV-B or UV-A + UV-B, showed that UVR reduced its total daily net photosynthetic production. 通过滤除UV-B或UV-B+UV-A的方法,进一步研究发现,UVR影响藻体的同光合产量和生长。 从UV-A与UV-B的作用来看,在晴天,UV-A是抑制藻体生长的主要的因素;
- Ensure daily production records for linen and uniforms are maintained. 保证每日的布巾和制服总产量记录的维护。
- Arrange the production people according to daily production situation. 根据每日的生产情况安排生产人员。
- Railways form an important part of the public transport system in Hong Kong. They account for 30 per cent of the total daily public transport volume. 铁路是香港公共交通运输系统的重要部分,占每日公共运输客量的三成。
- Improve performance of existing stamping process in daily production. 持续改进已有冲压模具的设计与工艺并以此促进产能的提升。
- The size of individual dose in relation to body weight was more important than the total daily dose. 与体重相应的单次剂量的大小要比一天总剂量更为重要。
- How does people make use of the elasticity in daily production and life? 人们在生产、生活中是如何利用物体的弹性的?
- Join in daily production meeting, check the implement of production plan. 参加每日生产例会,检查生产计划的执行情况。
- Prepare for daily production report, calculate month end product cost and COGS. 准备每目生产报告,计算月末产品成品和COGS,
- The total daily transfer limit for Hang Seng (China) Manned Phone Banking Service and Automated Phone Banking Services are shared. 恒生(中国)人工电话理财服务及恒生(中国)自动语音电话理财服务的日转账总额度为共享。
- Secondary endpoints included changes from baseline in total daily "off" time;total scores of UPDRS Parts I, II, and I;and Modified Hoehn and Yahr Scale score. 相对于试验初期次要终末点的改变包括每日“药物无作用”时间,UPDRSI,II,I部分的总评分以及修正的Hoehn和Yahr的量表评分。
- Maintain daily production activity, including set up tooling and technical failure support of production. 日常生产活动,包括模具安装及生产线上技术故障支持。