- total factors interaction 全要素互动
- These factors interact intimately and cannot be separated. 这些因素相互之间紧密联系,不能分开。
- Graduation design(paper) work is one in which links and factors interact with each other. 毕业设计(或论文)工作是一个由诸多环节和因素相互作用、相互影响的过程。
- These influencing factors interact with each other and they do not function separably. 同时,以上的影响因素是相互联系、相互作用的。
- What is more, these factors interact with one another and different combinations and sequences will determine what eventually happens. 并且,这些因素互相作用,不同的组合和顺序会决定最终的结果。
- This study investigated the dispersion of vowel space and vowel distance in Truku, and how these two factors interact with gender and stress. 摘要本研究探讨太鲁阁语中母音空间与距离的分散现象,以及性别和重音对此母音分散的影响。
- Although we put the factors into independent types, still we think false refusal is the artefact of many factors' interaction. 我们虽然将这些因素分为独立的类型,但是我们认为假拒绝的产生应该是多种因素共同作用的结果。
- Then it comes to a model built as Total Factor Contribution (TFC), which refers to foreign capitals" involvement. 在考察外资在湖北经济发展中的地位和作用时,从外资规模、结构、产业、行业、地区分布五个方面对利用外资现状进行分析。
- TFP is the total factor productivity growth, and Xc, Yc, and Zc are vectors of control variables. 全要素生产率是全要素生产率的增长,和坐标,坐标,和桑戈委员会的矢量控制的变数。
- Structure reinforcement program is confined by the factors such as functions, economy, technology, fields.And these factors interact with each other. 建筑结构加固方案受功能、经济、技术、场地等因素的制约,而这些因素又是相互影响、相互关联的。
- These factors interact with one another and different combinations and sequences will determine what eventually happens. 这些因素互相影响;不同的组合和顺序决定最终会发生些什么.
- Thirdly, though tow methods of total factor productivity and indicator system, it evaluating alteration of agricultural EGP in Hebei. 再次,通过全要素生产率指数法和指标体系两种方法,对河北省农业经济增长方式转变进行测度。
- The health resources refer to the total factors and conditions that can promote the intactness of a person's physiology, mental state and adaptation to society. 健康资源是指所有能促进人的生理、心理和社会认同感等方面完好的各种因素和条件的总和。
- In the course of regional economic development, because of various factor interaction, regional economy disparities generally existed. 摘要在各地经济发展的过程中,由于各种因素相互作用,区域经济差异普遍存在。
- Students will gain a good understanding of the factors that affect the process of innovation, and the way in which these factors interact and shape the outcome o... 学生将获得一个很好的理解的因素影响到创新的过程,和如何在这些因素相互作用,并形成过程的结果。
- Reducing per unit GDP energy consumption (PUGEC) and improving total factor productivity (TFP) are two major goals in our country's economic development. 摘要降低单位GDP能耗和提高全要素生产率是当前我国经济发展目标体系中的两大目标。
- The last seven years have spawned a vast amount of data on the enzymes that remodel and modify nucleosomes and the rules governing how transcription factors interact with the epigenetic code on histones. 在过去的7年中,科学研究提供了大量的有关以下两个方面的数据:(1)具有重构和修饰核小体功能的酶,以及(2)转录因子如何同组蛋白上的表观遗传编码相互作用的机制。
- Total Factor of Productivity(TFP)which is a “Solow Residual ”of the aggregate production function, reflects not only the technology level but also the institution of one economy. 全要素生产率(又称“索洛余数”,英文Total Factor of Productivity, 简称TFP)来自于总量生产函数,它不单反映一国的技术水平,还反映制度状况。
- We perfectly complete the asymptotic theory of the MLE of the evaluation model. (4) A difficult problem in the total factor productivity (TFP) computation was solved by applying our evaluation model. (4)应用我们的评估模型解决了全要素生产率(TFP)计算中的一个困难问题。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。