- total material consumption 物质消耗总量
- Indirect material consumption and wastage monitoring and control. 间接物料的消耗和使用的监控。
- It advocates to unify material consumption and spirit live. 主张物质消费与精神生活相统一;
- Re-duce energy and material consumption throughout the product's life cycle. 在产品生命周期中减少能量和材料的消耗.
- The average per-capita material consumption of farmers and herdsmen has increased enormously compared with the period before the liberation of Tibet. 农牧民人均实物消费量比解放前有大幅度的增长。
- The new piloting software allows for a reduction of material consumption and optimizes markers and cutting quality. 其新一代操作软件可减少材料用量并优化排料图和裁剪质量。
- Set up process documentation and the process ration of material consumption, confirm BOM. 编制产品的工艺文件,制定材料消耗工艺定额,确认物料清单;
- The application of the new technology can greatly reduce raw material consumption. 采用这项新技术,能大幅下降单耗。
- Metal hydride researchers have so far attained a maximum hydrogen capacity of 2 percent of the total material weight (2 weight percent). 金属氢化物研究人员目前所达到的最佳氢容量重量百分比为2%25。
- Koreans have a comparatively strong tendency for material consumption among Asians. 在东亚国家中,韩国人有较高的消费倾向。
- It can not only retrench manpower and material consumption, but also avoid some parameters being omitted. 该方法既节省人力、物力,又能避免一些被忽视或遗漏的条件。
- Thin plates, multimendia favourof economicalof plate material consumption, conducive to conserve resources. 印版薄,有利于节省版材材料的消耗,利于节约资源。
- However, after 1844, with the criticism of Grundlinien Der Philosophie transformed to the study of economy, the civil society means the total material relations. 1844年以后,随着法哲学批判转变为经济学研究,马克思的“市民社会”则指“物质关系总和”。
- With fixed material consumption (fixed material consumption: Absolute quantity of a material resource to be used to complete an assignment. 如果使用固定的材料消耗量(固定材料消耗:为完成工作分配要使用的材料资源的绝对数量。
- Fixed material consumption (fixed material consumption: Absolute quantity of a material resource to be used to complete an assignment. 固定材料消耗(固定材料消耗:为完成工作分配要使用的材料资源的绝对数量。
- Passionate pursuit of world-class quality and productivity and optimize techniques to reduce material consumption and lower production costs. 积极地追求世界级的质量和生产率,优化工艺以减少材料消耗及降低生产成本。
- Variable material consumption (variable material consumption: The time-based quantity of material resource to be used in an assignment. 可变材料消耗量(可变材料消耗:在工作分配中使用的基于时间的材料资源数量。
- To keep its lumpiness and reduce the number of broken product seems a key step for the decrease of rejection ratio and raw material consumption. 保持型焦的块状度,减少破碎是降低铸件废品率,减少原料消耗的关键。
- While lessening the material consumption,the cost of production is reduced,ensuring that the equipment runs steadily and chronically. 在节约物耗的同时,降低了生产成本,保障了装置长周期平稳运行。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。