- total metal contents in soil 总金属含量
- Heavy metal contents in soil of the Panzhihua region were analyzed by the EDXRF analyzer. The results show that the contaminated soil was mainly distributed in the industrial and mining area. 采用该仪器成功地分析了攀枝花地区土壤中重金属的含量,评价了该区土壤重金属污染的特征,结果表明该区重金属污染主要与工矿活动有关。
- Distribution of Heavy Metals Content in Soil along the Line of Highway 公路沿线土壤中重金属的含量分布
- Relationship between Enzyme Activities and Heavy Metal Contents in Soils of Deserted Land in Xiangtan Manganese Mine 湘潭锰矿废弃地土壤酶活性与重金属含量的关系
- Vertical distribution of trace element contents in soil in Tianjin Area. 天津地区土壤中微量元素含量的纵向分异。
- Soil enzymatic activities and its relationship with available heavy metal content in rhizosphere of hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance were studied based on field investigation and pot experiment. 通过野外调查和盆栽试验研究了超积累植物东南景天根际土壤酶活性变化及其与重金属有效态的关系。
- The metal contents in the macrobenthos were slightly higher under forest than in the creek. 在动物总体水平上,林内动物重金属含量稍高于潮沟动物。
- Heavy metal content in cashmere is detected via microwave digestion and atomic Absorption spectrometry(AAS). 采用微波消解和AAS(火焰原子吸收法)测定羊绒制品中的重金属含量。
- The uncertainty of chlorine content in soil samples determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry has been evaluated. 摘要用实例对X射线荧光光谱法测定土壤样品中氯的不确定度进行了评定。
- It showed that the metal contents in the sediments were higher than in the creek under forest,and positively correlated with the contents of the organic matter in the sediments. 结果表明:沉积物重金属含量比潮沟的高; 沉积物中的重金属含量与有机质含量存在显著正相关关系;
- The results showed that Cd and Pb uptake by Chinese cabbage was closely related to their contents in soil but that of Cr in soil. 结果表明,小白菜吸收Cd,Pb与土壤含量有根好的相关而与土壤中Cr含量无关。
- It showed that the heavy metal contents in crustacean samples were the highest and the heavy metal contents in fish samples were the lowest among the three kinds of organisms. 结果表明,甲壳生物中重金属元素的含量最高、头足类的含量次之、鱼类的含量最低。
- When the absolute moisture content in soil dropped to 6.7%,the activity of CAT first reached the maximum. 结果表明;随干旱程度加重;扁桃抗氧化酶活性逐渐增强;当土壤绝对含水量降至6.;7%25时;过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性首先达高峰;
- The relationship between Tricholoma matsutake circle spreading and 13 chemical element contents in soil was studied preliminarily. 初步研究了松茸圈扩散与土壤中13种化学元素含量之间的关系。
- It is shown from the analysis of glass ingredients of different glass substrates that the alkali metal content in glass may affect the photocathode sensitivity . 通过不同玻璃基底玻璃成分的研究,证明玻璃中的碱金属的含量会影响到光阴极灵敏度的高低。
- Long-term application of chemical fertilizers or organic manures the nutrient contents in soil was increased, except available potassium. 施用化肥或有机肥除有效钾外,土壤养分均有增加。
- As well as, the content of MDA would increase with drought,and reached the top,when the absolute water content in soil dropped to 2.1%. 丙二醛(MDA)含量随干旱加重而逐渐增加;当土壤绝对含水量降至2.;1%25时其含量最高。
- The results indicated that sorption property of organobentonites was better with higher organic carbon contents in soil sample and lower concentration of p-nitrophenol. 结果表明,土样有机碳含量越高,对硝基苯酚初始浓度越低,有机膨润土对其吸附性能越好。
- He found contentment in reading novels. 他从看小说当中得到满足。
- Plenty of heavy metal was accumulated in gill, liver, kidney of the fish, while the heavy metal contents in muscle were far less than the contents in other three organs of the fish. 分别测定了新疆红雁热电养鱼场罗非鱼、淡水白鲳及鲤鱼的鳃、肝、肾、肌肉等部位中铁、铜、锌、铅、镉、铬、镍、砷等重金属蓄积量。