- total soluble matters 总溶度
- total soluble matter 总溶解物
- To wash or percolate the soluble matter from. 把桌布上的墨迹洗掉。
- With a stable range of cellulose, more and more hemi-cellulose were changed into soluble matters by super micro-milling. 膳食纤维经超微粉碎后,纤维素含量基本保持不变,而部分半纤维素转化为水溶物。
- Sucrose was is the main form of total soluble sugar accumulation and transformation in lily bulbs. 淀粉酶活性变化与淀粉含量变化趋势相反。
- To purify(a gas) by passing through or over a liquid, as to remove soluble matter. 洗涤(气体)用使(气体)通过某一液体以除去其中可溶性物质的方法使(气体)变纯
- Whereas the total soluble sugar content was higher in the FL than that in the NFL. 结果表明:在花衰败前,有花枝Pn明显低于无花枝,但可溶性糖含量却高于无花枝。
- Total soluble solids (TSS) increased by one Brix and the maximum was 15.5%, titrable acidity (TA) decreased to 0.55%. 红肉脐橙果实留树期间可溶性固形物与可滴定酸的含量分别上升与下降达1个百分点,试验中可溶性固形物最高达15.;5%25,而可滴定酸含量最低值达0
- Alkali: A soluble matter that forms hydroxyl ions in solution. e.g. NaOH or KOH. 碱:在溶液中可形成氢氧根离子的可溶性物质。例如氢氧化钠或氢氧化钾。
- The contents of total soluble solids in banana pulps were not significantly different in all fertilizer rates, however. 果肉中总可溶性固形物含量则不受施肥量影响。
- The two manures could also increase fruit total soluble solids and total acidity. 黄皮滴施鸡粪沤腐液,促使黄皮根茎变细,根表面积增大,地上部叶面积与营养液处理之间没有显著差异;
- The contents of anthocyaindin and the total soluble sugar decreased from bottom to top and were 14.20%,12.56% and 9.56% respectively. 果实成熟时;花色素苷和可溶性糖含量按照果基、胴部和果顶的顺序递减;分别为14.;20%25、12
- However,addition of alum to manure did not have significant effects on the concentration of total soluble N,NO_3-N and NH_4-N in runoff. 但添加明矾对农田可溶性总N、NO3-N和NH4-N流失的影响不大。
- The distribution of 14C-assimilates in different organs was corresponding to the content of total soluble sugar and starch in different organs. 14C-同化物在各器官的分配状况与各器官积累的可溶性总糖和淀粉含量相对应。
- The relationship between leaf number of the Mogi loquat bearing shoot and average of fruit weight, total soluble solids and total acid was studied. 摘要1.;本试验乃探求茂木种枇杷结果累枝上叶数多少对果实重量,可溶性固形物及果酸含量的影响。
- The relationship between the Brix and the total soluble sugar content of sweet sorghum stalk juice was determined through one-dimensional linear regression. 本文应用一元线性回归分析法得出了甜高粱茎秆汁液锤度和可溶性总糖含量之间的关系。
- But the total soluble sugar content in the NFL in the early morning was always lower than that on previous day afternoon in florescence and flower senescence. 而无花枝叶片不论在花衰败前还是花衰败后8:00的可溶性糖含量一直低于前一天17:00的含量。
- Total soluble sugar content in the NFL was lower than that in the FL, and total soluble sugar content in the FL did not change after a whole night consumption. 花衰败后有花枝叶片中可溶性糖含量明显下降,无花枝叶片波动不大,最后两者含量基本趋于一致。 花衰败前,有花枝叶片中可溶性糖含量虽然经过一晚的消耗,但是其8:00的可溶性糖含量与前一天17:00的含量并无显著差别。
- Rapeseed powder increased the total soluble sugar, total nitrogen, content and reducing sugar content of the tobacco leaives obviously and increased kalium content littlely. 使烟叶的总糖、连原糖、氯含量均增加较明显,钾含量略有增加;