- total temperature profile 总温分布图
- The reflow process relies on the temperature profile setting. 回流过程依赖于温度曲线的设定。
- The most common division of the atmosphere has been by its temperature profile. 大气最通常的划分是用它的温度廓线。
- The radial temperature profile of the experimental dewar hasbeen measured. 测量了实验杜瓦的轴向温度分布.
- A static analysis of steady temperature profile for tire with FEA was made. 介绍了轮胎稳态温度场分布的有限元静态分析。
- The damping effect of the honeycomb can reduce the influence of the inlet preswirl on the total temperature difference. 蜂窝面的阻尼作用会削弱预旋对密封内温升特性的影响;
- Temperature profile in the gain medium is obtained.An interferogram of the gain medium is described. 结果表明片状固体增益介质热容方式工作对振荡光束波前畸变影响很小。
- There is a close correlation between the characteristics of temperature profile and thickness of fog. 分析还显示:平流雾过程中,温度廓线特征与雾体厚度关系密切。
- On basis, a model of 1-D temperature profile for two layers (charring and virgin material) is established. 烧蚀计算中, 考虑热化学作用,进行了化学烧蚀计算。
- Simplified approach to the radial temperature profile in highly sensitive fixed-bed reactors is suggested. 对高参数灵敏性固定床反应器的径向温度分布作了简化处理。
- Thus the prerotation of air in-flow not only causes the decrease of total temperature but also keeps the coolent air axially flowing in referred to the disc. 进气预旋除使冷气进口总温降低之外 ,还保证冷气相对盘腔轴向进入。
- In this paper, after emphasizing the above problems, the STT - 1A series total temperature thermocouple calibrator wining national patent and developed by myself is introduced. 本文在着重分析了以上问题后,介绍了自行研制的已获国家专利的STT-1A系列总温热电偶校验器。
- There are concerns about the temperature profile components and boards can sustain to not jeopardize their functionality. 关于线路板能够承受的温度特性曲线不致影响元器件的功能方面存在着人们关注的一些问题。
- Positive inlet preswirl can decrease the total temperature difference between the seal inlet and outlet, while the negative preswirl will cause the opposite effect. 在相同压比条件下,正预旋会导致密封的总温升减小,而负预旋会导致密封总温升增大;
- The Multiple Hearth Furnace is able to process very small raw material grain sizes and allows the adjustment of an accurate temperature profile. 可以处理非常小粒度的原料,允许精确的温度曲线的调整。
- Wellbore temperature profile model in condensate gas well is deduced in which Joule-Thompson coefficient and quantity of heat from variety of phase state are considered. 推导了凝析气井筒温度分布模型,模型中考虑了焦耳-汤姆逊效应随井深的变化,以及发生相变时的相变潜热;
- An iterative solution of the radiation transfer equation for the temperature profile is established assuming a known absorbing gas concentration distribution. 建立了通过已知吸收气体浓密分布;由辐射传递方程反演温度分布的迭代法.
- By utilizing general SIMPLER finite differential program and a new user subroutine, the velocity, profile, pressure profile , temperature profile at DPL and CS were obtained. 运用SIMPLER有限差分程序,结合新编制的子程序,得出了该区域的速度场、压力场及温度场。
- The interlaced heat pump flow has a total temperature difference that is lower than other heat pump flows and can be applied to the low-temperature evaporation for the heat-sensitive materials. 间隔式多效热泵流程不但可以大幅节能,减少总温差费用支出,还能在更多效保持低温水平,非常适于热敏性物料的低温蒸发浓缩。
- Introducing the general technology requirements for reflow soldering and typical temperature profile and technical parameter of the main control point at the temperature profile. 介绍了再流焊机的一般技术要求,并给出了典型焊接温度曲线以及温度曲线上主要控制点的工艺参数。