- tough pitch copper 紫铜,韧铜
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- She has keyed the piano up to concert pitch. 她已经把钢琴的音调升到音乐会的音高标准。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him. 你对他态度强硬,他才会还清债务。
- The coach built the team up to a fighting pitch. 教练使全队振作起来,准备一搏。
- The pitcher tends to pitch the ball too high. 这个投球手常把球掷得过高。
- The chemical symbol for copper is "Cu". 铜的化学符号是Cu。
- You need to be tough to survive in the jungle. 要在丛林中活下来就要有坚忍不拔的意志。
- They that touch pitch will be defiled. 近墨者黑。
- What color is copper sulphate solution? 硫酸铜溶液是什么颜色?
- We planned to pitch our camps in the mountains. 我们计划在山里扎营。
- This tube is flexible but tough. 这管子柔软但很坚固。
- The speaker brought the crowd to fever pitch. 演讲者激起群众高昂的情绪。
- The company faces tough competition. 这家公司面临着艰难的竞争。
- Conditions are rather tough here. 这里条件比较艰苦。
- Copper and gold are both metals. 铜和金都是金属。
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。
- Copper has less resistance than lead. 铜的电阻比铅的小。
- The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob. 球迷群情激昂,一窝蜂涌进球场。