- toughened internal stress 钢化内应力
- Internal stress is one of the most important kinds of stress to deal with. 内心的压力是需要对付的最重要的压力之一。
- The machine is made from steel.It's vibration treated roil to reduce internal stress. 本机械为钢板结构,经振动时效消除内应力。
- Safety performance is good, have even internal stress, broken hind show meshy flaw. 安全性能好,有均匀的内应力,破碎后呈网状裂纹。
- The internal stress of the joined materials was only several MPa according to the result of calculation. 应力计算结果得出焊接件中只有数兆帕的拉应力。
- The machine is all made from steel.It's vibration treated roil to reduce internal stress to make machine stronger. 全钢板焊接框架结构,振动时效消除内应力,机械强度高,刚性好。
- The machine is made from all steel, vibration treated roil to reduce internal stress. 结构为全钢焊接结构,经振动时效处理。
- The internal stress of electrodeposit is one of the important factors of affecting electroplatingQuality. 电镀层内应力是影响电镀层质量的重要因素之一。
- The effect of pulse current parameters on the internal stress of electroformed layer is discussed based on the test. 通过试验,讨论了脉冲电流电参数对镍铸层内应力的影响;
- All steel-welded construction, integrated treatment(vibration effect, heat) to eliminate internal stress, high rigidity and good reliability. 全钢焊接结构,综合处理(振动时效、热)消除内应力,有很好的刚性与稳定性。
- The effect of additives on hydrogen content and internal stress of palladiumelectrodeposits was studied by electrochemical method. 采用电化学方法研究了添加剂对把电沉积层氢含量和内应力的影响。
- This is a method of reliving the internal stress set up in steel during forming, cold working, and cooling after welding or machining. 这是消除内应力的一种方法,内应力是在钢铁的成形中,冷加工中,焊接或切削后的冷却中产生的。
- Variation and failure of the grinding ball of high chromium white cast iron during production and service are mainly caused by the internal stress. 内应力是造成高铬白口铸铁磨球在生产和服役过程中出现变异和失效的主要原因。
- The situation toughened up in that country. 那个国家的形势更加恶化。
- The result showed that the composite coating was in low internal stress, high microhardness under the dispersing strengthened effect of nanodiamond. 结果表明,纳米金刚石的弥散强化作用,可有效改善镀层的生长、减小内应力,提高镀层的显微硬度。
- All-steel welded structure, the integrated treatment (VSR, heat) Elimination of internal stress, a very good rigidity and stability. 全钢焊接结构,综合处理(振动时效、热)消除内应力,有很好的刚性和稳定性。
- This paper analyses the process, characteristics and requirement of the lowering of the internal stress of the PC products in the moulding. 分析和指明了PC制品在注塑成型生产中各个方面降低制品内应力的工艺方法、特点及要求。
- All this mountain climbing will toughen the boys up. 这些爬山运动会把孩子们锻炼得身强体壮。
- A new type of oblique-toothed synchronous belt was designed with optimization method based on the analysis of internal stress distribution of the belt. 摘要在用有限元分析同步带内应力分布状况的基础上,优化设计出一种新型的斜齿同步带。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。