- tour scenic area 旅游景区
- Shanghai one-day tour scenic spots have? 上海一日游游览景点有哪些?
- Shuimo river valley is a serious area of Urumqi soil erosion,is densely populated area of industry advanced and also tour scenic spot. 水磨河流域是乌鲁木齐市水土流失最严重的地区,是工业发达的人口密集区,也是风景旅游区。
- The name of this scenic area for now. 那个风景区的名字。
- The caravan can't enter the scenic area. 别落下什么啊。车队不能进入景区。
- One day tour to Lushun ( Port Arthur), sightsee the Tiger Tail Scenic Area and go back to Dalian in late afternoon. 乘车前往旅顺,游览旅顺军港,老虎尾景区,东鸡冠山日俄战争遗址,傍晚返回大连。
- Day off, bright, scenic area visitor if knit. 假日,风和日丽,风景区游人如织。
- Scenic area of over 500 square kilometers. 风景区面积达500多平方公里。
- And formed Lushan scenic area since Bailu Dong School, along the Hanyang peak, the chan Ridge area to the east Linsi Tour history, culture and the main axis. 并形成庐山风景名胜区自白鹿洞书院,沿大汉阳峰,经牯岭景区、至东林寺的游览主体和历史文化轴线。
- The scenic area is made up of lakes, rolling fields and hillsides. 景苑区分为湖区、平原区、山区三部分。
- The Queshi Scenic Area lies south of the Shantou Bay. 赏心悦目:礐石风景区位于汕头海湾南面。
- This is an ancient ruins exhibition hall, but now it becomes the idiomatical tour scenic spot and vital patriotism base. 这是一座遗址展览馆,现在已经成为临江市颇具特色的旅游景点和重要的爱国主义教育基地。
- Development of the Natural Scenic Area in Wild Flower Valley. 野花谷自然风景区开发项目。
- Many famous historic people were buried in Lake Taihu Scenic Area. 许多历史名人葬于太湖风景区内。
- How large an area does the scenic area of Huangshan Mountain cover? 黄山景区面积是多少?
- It is the national AAAA Shopping and Tourist Scenic Area. 是国家AAAA级购物旅游区。
- In scenic area, I met a foreigner who was come to tavel, too. 我回答:“15块。”
- Wulingyuan Scenic Area "lobster scented tea," tea is also unique. 武陵源风景区的“龙虾花茶”也是独具特色的名茶。
- There are242 tour scenic spots in the city; the most outstanding among them are Yueyang Tower, Junshan Islet, Nanhu Lake Scenic Spot, Temple of Qu Yuan, Zhang Guying Folkcustom Village and Pingjiang Uprising Sites etc. 全市有旅游景点242处,主要景点有岳阳楼风景区、山风景区、湖风景区、子祠风景区、谷英民族文化村、江起义旧址等。
- There is a scenic area consisting of hills, the sea, rocks and caves. 有个集山、海、石、洞于一体的风景区。