- Adam D Thierer. E commerce A Taxing issue[J].Heritage views,2004,(4):18-20. 孙宝文.;电子商务税收征管系统建设构想[J]
- Pete wilson,the governor,buy a mickey mouse toy for his secretary's new baby through e commerce. 皮特。威尔逊州长通过电子商务邮件给他秘书刚出生的宝贝买了一个米老鼠玩具。
- With the popularity of Internet and the development of IT, E commerce is now in the ascendant. 随着互联网的普及以及信息技术的不断发展 ,电子商务的热潮方兴未艾。
- Bagno Annita - Presentazione con video tour e fotografie, servizi,listino prezzi. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The evidence problems arising from E commerce consist of two aspects:first,admissibility of data message,second,the evidential weight of data message. 电子商务所引起的证据效力的问题主要包括两方面 ,第一方面是计算机所储存的数据或数据讯息能否在诉讼中被法院采纳为证据即证据可采纳性问题 ,第二个方面是数据的证据价值或证据力的问题。
- Beijing boasts of a well-developed commerce system based on diversified operation and multiple circulation. 北京市商业十分发达,形成了多种经营形式,多渠道流通体制的新格局。
- Electronic commerce system helps us to provide better services for our customers both now and in future. 电子商务系统能够使我们更好的为目前及将来的客户提供全方位的货运及物流服务。
- E commerce, as a new mode of commercial activity operating mainly by means of EDI and internet will substantially change approaches in commercial trade. 电子商务是一种以电子数据交换 (EDI)和因特网上交易为主要内容的新型商务运作方式 ,是对传统贸易方式的一次重大变革。
- J2EE also provides a good mechanism with building a retractile, agile, easy to maintain commerce system. J2EE为搭建具有可伸缩性、灵活性、易维护性的商务系统提供了良好的机制。
- The E commerce models of digital library to information users include subscription based sales model,pay per view model,online compliment model and pre paid model. 数字图书馆对信息用户的电子商务模式主要有网上订购、付费浏览、网上赠予以及预付模式。
- Then, it analyzes the environment of building a electronic commerce system on an evolved basic frame of electronic commercial system. 并以进化的电子商务系统基本框架为模型,分析企业进行电子商务系统建设的环境。
- Then, it analyses the environment of building an electronic commerce system on an evolved basic frame of electronic commercial system. 然后,以进化的电子商务系统基本框架为模型,分析企业进行电子商务系统建设的环境。
- The framework-based electronic commerce system have clear levels of structure and discoupling layers,so it is easy to maintenance and expand. 基于框架的电子商务系统层次分明、耦合度低,便于维护和扩展。
- Collaborative commerce oriented CC-GDSS model that based on group decision support system holds out the construction of collaborative commerce system commendably. 基于群体决策支持系统的面向协同商务的CC-GDSS模型的提出很好地支持了协同商务系统的构建。
- POS (Point Of Sales) and MIS (Management Information System) technology are fine choices in their applications. This paper describes the composing,characteristics and development of the electronic commerce system. POS(PointofSales ;销售点实时管理 )技术和MIS(ManagementInformationSystem ;管理信息系统 )技术的应用是很好的选择 .
- The electronic commerce system this information-based ages indispensability in 21 centuries, its function ignore is still to the 企 business unit the all very importance is to the customers. 留学解答资讯网:电子商务系统在二十一世纪这个信息化时代不可缺少,其作用不管对企事业单位还是对客户都极其重要。
- The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse. 该旅行团将由一名受过专门培训过的护士陪同。
- Fraud exists in current commerce systems: cash can be counterfeited, checks altered, credit card numbers stolen. 现实世界中的商务行为中就存在欺骗:假币,修改支票,伪装信用卡等;
- We are touring Italy for our holidays this year. 今年我们假期要去意大利旅行。
- The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace. 我们旅游中最有意思的活动就是参观宫殿。