- It was put forward that art design,whether as an original thought or as practical packaging measure,plays an important role in exploiting tour product of temple fair. 并且指出在开发庙会旅游产品时,艺术设计无论是作为一种创意思维还是一种包装方法都起着十分重要的作用。
- The resort life cycle theories and model of Butler is developed from the product life cycle theories. In the current domestic tour study circles this exists the issue about "the tour product life cycle( PLC)" and" the resort life cycle( RLC)". 在当前国内旅游学界还存在着是“旅游产品生命周期(PLC,Product Life Cycle)”还是“旅游地生命周期(RLC,Resort Life Cycle)”的争论。
- The machine applies to the production of spraying collodion, mimic floss silk, The product is widly used in garments, embroider, bedding stuff, furniture, tour products, etc. 本机用于生产高弹喷胶棉、仿丝棉。该产品广泛用于服装、绣品、床上用品、家俬、旅游制品等。
- In the transformation form tour resources into tour products, the development level and theme locations of the tour culture are the key. 旅游文化开发层次及主题定位的准确与否是旅游资源转化为高效益旅游产品的关键。
- Odd socks Productions has renamed its touring production The Bell ringer of Notre Dame after discussions with a disability adviser who raised the possibility of offending people with spinal bifid or scoliosis. 沃德索克斯演出公司咨询了一位残疾人事务顾问,觉得“驼背”一词可能会对患有脊柱裂或脊柱侧凸的人有所冒犯,于是将其巡回演出的戏剧更名为《巴黎圣母院敲钟人》。
- This paper based on the scientific assessment and studying about the status quo of touring products exploitage of Qinghai lake and its feasibility, and put forward the basic principle and thinking way for exploiting it. 摘要文章在对青海湖旅游产品开发现状及其可行性进行科学评价和研究的基础上,提出了开发青海湖旅游产品的基本原则和基本思路。
- The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse. 该旅行团将由一名受过专门培训过的护士陪同。
- We are touring Italy for our holidays this year. 今年我们假期要去意大利旅行。
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。
- The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace. 我们旅游中最有意思的活动就是参观宫殿。
- Please send me literature about your tour to italy. 请给我寄贵公司有关意大利旅游项目的文字材料。
- The tour is arranged by our local travel agent. 这个旅游团是由我们的本地旅游代理商组织安排的。
- I can't say I'm at all pleased by your product. 我不能说对你们的产品满意。
- Remark on the Strategy of Red Touring Products 谈红色旅游产品营销策略
- I think you may be interested in our new product. 我想贵公司可能会对敝公司的新产品感兴趣。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。
- They spent three months touring Europe. 他们花了三个月时间周游欧洲。
- The product is on trial in our laboratory. 该产品正在由我们实验室做测试。
- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。
- The group tour the museum at a leisurely pace. 这个旅游团悠闲地参观这个博物馆。