- trabeculae splenicae 脾小梁
- Immuhnoreactive nerve fibers were not found in the speen trabecula. 人脾脏小梁中未查见免疫反应神经纤维。
- Between bone trabeculae were fibrous tissue rich in blood vessels. 小梁间的纤维肉芽组织内血管丰富。
- Trabeculae suddenly a dumbfounded: how do insurance? 小梁顿时傻眼了:怎么是做保险的?
- The osteoblast was necrotic and disappeared in the remnant of bone trabecula. 残存骨小梁中骨母细胞坏死消失,骨小梁结构尚保持。
- There were fibrous tissues with few blood vessels between bone trabeculae. 小梁间被纤维肉芽组织充填,血管稀少。
- Trabecula (pl. trabeculae) An elongated cell wall, cell, or line of cells across a cavity. 横隔:是横贯空腔的一段延伸细胞壁、一个细胞或一列细胞,可将空腔隔成两个或多个空间。
- Results The septomarginal trabecula is bigger in goat than in human,the moderator band has four morphology category. 结果羊心脏隔缘肉柱较人类粗大,有四种形态类型。
- Congestion appeared in spleen and splenic trabecula were strongly dilated and filled with serosity. 脾红髓淤血,脾窦扩张;
- The positive cells which surrounded trabecula and located near the lumen were spindle-shaped. 根据细胞中阳性物质的多少和核团中阳性细胞数量,可分为强阳性、中等阳性、弱阳性核团。
- The parenchyma, in which obvious trabecula wasnt found, was chiefly composed of lymphoid tissue and blood sinuses. 实质主要由淋巴组织和血窦构成,可分为中央区及外周区。
- The bone in these vertebral bodies demonstrates marked osteoporosis with thinning and loss of bony trabeculae. 椎骨明显的骨质疏松症,可见骨小梁薄弱甚至丧失。
- Osteoblasts are seen lining the irregular trabeculae, and there is an osteoclast near the center. 不规则骨小梁周围可见成骨细胞排列,中心部位可见破骨细胞。
- Bone cell apoptosis increases the spaces of bone trabeculae and decreases the bone mass. 当骨细胞凋亡率增加,可致骨小梁间空隙加大和骨量减少。
- Osteoblasts are seen lining the irregular trabeculae and there is an osteoclast near the center. 不规则骨小梁四周可见成骨细胞排列,中央部位可见破骨细胞。
- In plants, trabeculae may be found in Selaginella stems, where they suspend the steles in large air spaces. 植物中,卷柏的茎内具有横隔,将中柱分隔为多个气腔。
- Histological analysis showed active bone cell differentiation, proliferation, increased bone trabecula. 组织学分析显示:骨组织呈活跃增殖分化相,骨小梁增加,骨基质深染。
- Trabeculae show confirmed the phone number with each other, but also in full compliance with. 小梁拿出手机与对方确认了号码,也完全符合。
- Results Ovariectomy caused attenuation and interuption in trabeculae of bone and reduce... 结论:卵巢切除可使大鼠骨吸收增加,影响骨的稳定性,增加骨折发生的危险性。
- Even more, some of trabeculae werebroken or disappear at 12 weeks, vacancy lacunaes count was 55%. 第12周时4例动物骨小梁结构断裂、消失更明显,空缺骨陷窝计数高达55%25。