- track hold circuit 跟踪保持电路
- A High Speed,Low Distortion Sample And Hold Circuit 一种高速、低失真的采样保持电路
- A New High Speed Sample and Hold Circuit 一种新型高速采样保持电路
- The operation principles of programmable amplifying circuit,peak sampling,holding circuit and V/F converting circuit are analysed in detail and program flow graphic is also given. 详细分析了程控放大电路、峰值采样保持电路、V/F转换电路的工作原理,并给出了程序流程图。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- This rough track will soon be a metalled road. 这条坑坑洼洼的路不久就要铺上碎石了。
- I'm trying to track down my old Aunt Maud. 我正试图寻找到我那年迈的婶婶莫德。
- The cyclist went at full sail along the track. 自行车手沿着跑道全速前进。
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他紧紧抓住我的手臂不放。
- Bill has a feeling he is on a fast track. 比尔感觉到他正快速迈向成功。
- The new race track is nearly six miles in extent. 这条新跑道将近六英里长。
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在户外聚会是我的主意。
- Kings used to know how to hold down the people. 国王们往往都知道怎样使人们服从他。
- John bears the bell in all track events at school. 约翰在学校里的各个径赛项目中都赢得第一名。
- I'm on the track of a valuable painting. 我在追寻一幅珍贵的油画。
- Keep track of the time you actually travel. 把你旅行的实际时间记录下来。
- Do you think this trunk will hold all our clothes? 这个箱子你想能装得下我们所有的衣裳吗?
- Signals control each section of the railway track. 各种信号控制着铁路轨道的每个部分。
- He has been trying hard to hold onto his temper. 他一直尽力控制自己不发脾气。