- He limped off the track with a right foot injury. 他的右脚受伤,一瘸一拐地离开了跑道。
- Frozen in their tracks with fear. 他们的思想因害怕而保持不变
- It will roar down the track with the rising of the sun. 它将与初升的太阳一起带我们进入新的一天。
- Magny-Cours is a very smooth track with a mixture of fast and slow corners. 马尼库斯是一条很顺畅的赛道,是高速弯和慢速弯的混合体。
- In the slow-bicycle race,they wobbled along the track with identical do-or-die looks on their faces. 在自行车慢行竞赛中,他们骑着车,摇摇晃晃地在跑道上行着,脸上都带着一副相同的破釜沉舟的神情。
- These comparisons provide valuable information about whether you are on track with the schedule and your budget. 这些比较提供了有关您是否跟踪日程和您的预算的有价值的信息。
- The two sections track with each other and give you two different views of your data at once. 这两个部分可以相互跟踪并同时为您提供数据的两种不同视图。
- In the slow-bicycle race, they wobbled along the track with identical do-or-die looks on their faces. 在自行车慢行竞赛中,他们骑着车,摇摇晃晃地在跑道上行着,脸上都带着一副相同的破釜沉舟的神情。
- Cycling pedal their bikes furiously when riding in the velodrome on a track with banked turns. 选手在带有倾斜弯道轨道的室内赛车场地上拼命地蹬他们的自行车。
- Cyclists pedal their bikes furiously when riding in the velodrome on a track with banked turns. 选手在带有倾斜弯道轨道的室内赛车场地上拼命地蹬他们的自行车。
- The champions will go around the track with their national flags in their hands. 获得冠军的运动员,举着国旗绕场一周。
- Manipulator and bogiel move up and down along the track with the towing of the windlass’s wire rope. 机械手及行走机构通过卷扬机钢丝绳的牵引沿导轨上下移动。
- Young ones whizz along the track with a trio of any animal characters in this witty picture book. 本书作者用相当卡通式的插画来介绍火车,用字很简单,书中最后还有介绍火车的各个部位的说法呢。
- They will demonstrate the Cayenne on a special track with visitors in the passenger seat. 他们将展示卡宴特殊的赛道上与游客在乘客座位.
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- Do you hibernate during the winter? What do you do to stay on track with your eating, and healthy habits? 你在冬天冬眠吗?为了保持健康的饮食和习惯,你都做些什么?
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。