- tracking after step 步法追踪
- Step after step the ladder is ascended. 梯子要一级一级的上。?按部就班,循序渐进。
- Stay on track after the detours; rewards await you. 当偏离计画时,必须要回到正轨。
- I tried to get my life back on track after my divorce. 离婚之后我力图使生活恢复正常。
- The dynamic response of fuel cell characteristics after step change of cathode inlet velocity, humidity and cell voltage was analyzed. 最后,分析了阴极入口速度、湿度和电池电压阶跃变化后电池特性的动态响应特性。
- After step 9 above, click the Outgoing Server tab, and then select the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication check box. 完成上述步骤9后,单击“发送服务器”选项卡,然后选择“我的发送服务器(SMTP)要求验证”复选框。
- Lab related tasks: spare components purchasing, internal equipment rental and application, material pickup from the storehouse and purchasing status tracking after finishing EPR. 实验室相关工作:零散器件的外部购买;公司内部仪器租借、申请;仓库领料;EPR填写后的采购状态跟踪
- The dialogue is another sign that China-EU cooperation is getting back on track after a slight derailment last year. 此次会谈是中欧合作在去年稍微偏离轨道后步入正规的另一个标志.
- Washington's Metro agency is going to inspect every stretch of its track after Monday's deadly subway accident. 周一发生极其严重的地铁事故后,华盛顿地铁局将展开对其地铁每一条线路的检查。
- Wall of one side blue bricks is after outdoors sofa, it is to use common brick to green brickbat is affixed in the surface again after step is good and be become. 户外沙发后是一面青砖墙,是用普通砖砌好后再在表面贴上青砖片而成。
- Will Ferrari get their campaign back on track after the brief hiatus at Silverstone? 经历了银石的短暂休整,法拉利能否王者重现呢?
- Is bathing the autumn feeling good and fit crisp air, after step Mid-Autumn Festival white clean bright moonlight, unconscious, the Uygur news has welcomed her second birthday!... 沐浴着秋天清爽怡人的清新空气,步中秋佳节皓洁的明月之后,不知不觉中,维讯又迎来了她的第二个生日!...
- The Denver Nuggets are feeling good and seem to be back on track after Tuesday's victory over the Portland Trail Blazers. 掘金现在感觉不错,自从周2战胜开拓者后,这支球队好像又回到了正常轨道上来了。
- Paris Hilton has put her plans for motherhood on the fast track after spending time as" auntie" to pal Britney Spears' kids. 作为布兰妮孩子的“阿姨”,希尔顿和小家伙们相处一段时间之后打算尽快做妈妈。
- Optimus Prime: [after stepping on a large plant in a pot] Oops, Sorry, my bad. 擎天柱:[在踩坏一大花盆后]哎呀,对不起,是我不好。
- Paris Hilton has put her plans for motherhood on the fast track after spending time as "auntie" to pal Britney Spears'kids. 作为布兰妮孩子的“阿姨”,希尔顿和小家伙们相处一段时间之后打算尽快做妈妈。
- Terry also stressed the importance of supporters at Wembley as England bid to get their qualification campaign back on track after the Germany match. 特里还强调在温布利英格兰队支持者的重要性,使他们在与德国队比赛后的资格赛战役走上正轨。
- They downed the Mavericks on Sunday in OT to get back on track after having their 10-game winning streak snapped in Portland. 在输给开拓者结束10连胜后,湖人队在周日通过加时战胜小牛,重新回到正确的轨道上来。
- Another trough is expected to weaken the western ridge near t+48 to t+60 and will allow a more poleward track after t+72. 另一道西风槽将于约48至60小时到达并令西面副高东退,从而令蔷薇向西北至西北偏北移动。
- A mid-latitude trough will induce a break in the ridge which will lead to a more northwesterly track after t+48 and a northerly track in the extended taus. 预料一道西风槽将令副高出现弱点,从而使凤凰在48小时后转向西北移动,并于96小时后转向偏北方向移动。