- traction and orthopaedic table 牵引和矫形两用手术台
- Indicated for shoulder strain, traction and dislocation. 适应症:肩骨折脱位、劳损等。
- Solid rubber outsole provides traction and durability. 固体橡胶鞋底,抓地力好,持久耐穿。
- A cat's paw pads provide similar traction and muffle each footfall. 小猫的爪垫提供了相似的摩擦力,并减弱每次的脚步声。
- This is harnessed to improve a car's traction and its handling through corners. 这个力被用来提升车辆的牵引力,并在车辆转弯时发挥作用。
- Nowadays pelic and acetabular reconstruction has been recognised as a distinct subspecialty within the trauma and orthopaedic surgical field. 目前,骨盆和髋臼重建已经被认为是创伤和骨外科领域一个独特的专业方向。
- Nowadays pelvic and acetabular reconstruction has been recognised as a distinct subspecialty within the trauma and orthopaedic surgical field. 目前,骨盆和髋臼重建已经被认为是创伤和骨外科领域一个独特的专业方向。
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital - provides rheumatology, rehabilitation and orthopaedic surgical services to patients from around the world. 为全世界的患者提供风湿病、骨科的手术以及康复服务。
- The elevator has VVVF inverter that can accurately control traction and drive systems (door drive system). 精确的控制曳引驱动系统(门驱动系统)的VVVF逆变器。
- More and more people are going in for table tennis. 爱好打乒乓的人越来越多了。
- Both initial-and boundary-value problems, including displacement, traction and mixed boundary conditions are solved. 包括位移的、曳力的和混合的边值条求,也都求了解。
- The table linen was neatly folded up and put away. 这块桌布被整齐地叠起来并拿走了。
- A train's propulsion drive system provides the vehicle's traction and dynamic braking performance. 列车的牵引驱动系统为车辆提供了牵引和动态制动性能。
- There is a jumble of books and papers on the table. 桌子上凌乱地堆着一堆书和报纸。
- Both initial and boundary-value problems, including displacement, traction and mixed boundary conditions are solved. 解决了初始和边值问题,包括位移的、曳力的和混合的边值条件。
- New applications of power electronics are emerging in the worlds of traction and industry and those of generation, transmission and distribution. 电力电子技术的新的应用涌现于电力牵引和工业以及发电、输电和配电领域中。
- The surgery can get rid of the inflammatory debris, remove the traction and reattach the retina. 其中玻璃体混浊机化,牵引或孔源性视网膜脱离,血管增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变,睫状膜形成,黄斑前膜,黄斑水肿为主要致盲并发症。
- Mine is here, and theirs are on the table. 我的在这里,他们的在桌子上。
- Relocates shocks for increased rear suspension travel for better traction and braking on rough ground. 搬迁的冲击,为增加后悬架旅行更好的牵引和制动的粗糙地面。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。