- They have been negotiating a bilateral trade deal. 他们一直在商谈一项双边贸易协定。
- Opposition to the trade deal is multi-faceted. 反对协定的声音分为很多种。
- Ms.Ashton said U.S. support for completing a new global trade deal would boost confidence in world markets. 阿什顿说,如果美国能支持达成一项新的全球贸易协议,将提振世界市场的信心。
- It will not automatically fall into line with western policy, whether on sanctions against Iran or a world trade deal. 不管是在制裁伊朗还是在世界贸易协议方面,它都不会自动地赞同西方的政策。
- His name was Cordell Hull;and his achievement was the first free trade deal, signed in 1947.Dr. 赫尔的功绩就是贡献了最初的三个自由贸易协定,它们于1947年得到签署。
- But the Bucks vow they did not pick Yi on Thursday just to make a trade deal even as a standoff appears set with Yi's representatives. 但是雄鹿信誓旦旦的说,即使他的经纪人也对他们的选择很冷淡,他们选中了易建联就不会交易他。
- THOUSANDS of South Korean farmers and workers clashed with riot police yesterday at a massive rally against a free trade deal with the United States. 昨日,数万韩国农民和工人与防爆警察发生了冲突抗议美韩自由贸易协定。
- S. beef imports to South Korea is a prerequisite for ratifying a much larger trade deal the two countries signed last year. 去年联合国世界动物卫生组织也已经证实这个说法。
- U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab says the proposal reflects a promise made by Washington to play a leading role in getting a trade deal done. 美国贸易代表施瓦布说,美国的提议说明华盛顿希望履行在多哈回合发挥带头作用的承诺。
- However, UNDP floor leader Kim Hyo-seuk said Tuesday the free trade deal is essentially "on hold" for the parliament session ending later this week. 但是新民主联合党发言人金孝硕星期二说,这项自由贸易协议在即将于本星期晚些时候结束的本届国会里实际上处于“搁置”状态。
- China signed on October 17 a trade deal with Senegal that includes zero-tariff treatment for more than 400 categories of goods imported from Senegal. 本月17日,中国与塞内加尔签订零关税贸易协定,对从塞内加尔进口的400余种商品免除关税。
- Indian Trade Minister Anand Sharma called it a "breakthrough," and said there was a unanimous affirmation of the need to clinch a new trade deal. 来自35个重要国家的贸易部长们在印度出席为期两天的非正式会议,并于星期五达成共识,决定重新启动世贸组织高层谈判,也就是所谓的“多哈回合”。
- U.S.President Bush has specail powers to negotiate a trade deal .But those so-called “fast track” powers expire June 30 unless Congress extends them. 美国总统布什拥有签订贸易协定的特权,然而这个被称为“快车道”的特权如果国会不延长时间,那么在六月30日将会被终止。
- He says he thought ratifying the free trade deal was a "shortcut" to trigger the economic growth South Korea urgently needs. 他说,他认为批准这项自由贸易协议是刺激韩国急需的经济增长所需的一个“捷径”。
- South Korean Chief Trade Negotiator Lee Hye-min says he and his European union counterpart Ignacio Garcia Bercero hope to conclude negotiations on a free trade deal this week. 韩国首席贸易谈判代表李惠民表示,他跟欧盟首席贸易谈判代表伯塞罗都希望这个星期能结束有关自由贸易协议的谈判。
- He said says the rising cost of food, the high energy prices and turbulence in the financial markets should be reason enough for governments to conclude a trade deal. 他说,上升的粮食价格,高昂的能源价格和竟然市场的动荡,这些应该有足够多的理由督促政府达成贸易协定。
- She skewered him for talking out of both sides of hismouth on NAFTA (an Obama adviser seemingly assured the Canadians thathe was not really threatening to tear up the trade deal). 她还指出奥巴马在北美自由贸易区的问题上两面三刀(一位奥巴马的政策顾问对加拿大人保证说奥巴马并不是真心要撕毁北美自由贸易协定)。
- Senior French officials have made clear they will seek to block what they see as a “bad” world trade deal, even though they ought to be neutral in the presidency. 法国的高级官员们已经阐明,他们将会寻求阻止他们认为是“邪恶的”国际贸易协定,纵然作为欧盟轮值主席国,他们理应保持中立。
- American lawmakers have warned the resumption of U.S. beef imports to South Korea is a prerequisite for ratifying a much larger trade deal the two countries signed last year. 美国国会议员警告,韩国恢复进口美国牛肉是批准两国在去年达成的大笔贸易协定的先决条件。
- He says the rising cost of food, the high energy prices and turbulence in the financial markets should be reason enough for governments to conclude a trade deal. 他认为食物价格上涨,高能源价格和金融市场的动荡都是促成政府间达成贸易协议的充分理由。