- I'd trade places with you in a second. 稍后我会告诉你地点的。
- If you could, would you please trade places with your sister? 如果你可以的话,能不能和你妹妹/姐姐换个座位?
- Here, trade places with me. I can see fine over his head. 来,我跟你交换座位。我能够从他头的上方看过去。
- trade places with someone 与某人交换职务
- I wouldn't mind trading places with her for a day. 我不介意和她掉换一天位置。
- If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be? 如果你可以和这个世界上任何一个人交换身分一天,你会想当谁?
- If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. With whom would it be? 如果你可以与任何一个人交换住处一个星期,可能是名人,普通人,活着的或者是已经过世的,真实人物或者是虚构的人物。你会选择与谁交换?
- Trade places with sb. 与某人交换地位[职务]
- Many developing countries would gladly trade places with China: Most suffer from too little investment, not too much. And they worry more about spreading slums than expanding skylines. 要是能和中国换个地方,估计许多发展中国家都会非常愿意,这些国家发愁的是投资极度匮乏。它们更担心不断蔓延的贫民窟,而不是过多的摩天大楼。
- Our line seem to have get cross with someone else's. 好像我们的线路跟别人的串线了。
- Improved Frost Nova has traded places with Piercing Ice within the tree and has been redesigned. 强化霜冻新星和刺骨寒冰位置交换,并被从新设计。
- Would you mind changing places with us? 你们愿意与我们换一下位置吗?
- I'm sorry I don't know you. Maybe you are confusing me with someone else. 对不起,我不认识你,也许你认错人了(把我和别人弄混淆了)。
- First, Janus travels in an unusual orbit around Saturn where it periodically trades places with its sister moon Epimetheus, which typically orbits about 50 kilometers away. 首先,土卫十以不同寻常的轨道绕土星运行,并且在运行过程中会与它的姐妹卫星土卫十一进行周期性的位置交换,两者的运行轨道仅仅相距50公里。
- He is talking with someone else on the phone. 他正在和别人在电话上讲话。
- I will like to talk with someone in charge. 我想和负责人讲话。
- I am on duty tomorrow. I'll have to switch with someone to go to your party. 我明天值班。我得和谁换一下班才能去参加你们的聚会。
- I would not change places with him for all the world. 无论如何我也不同他调换地方。
- To consult or confer with someone. 咨询询问或同某人商谈
- She described the place with a string of superlatives. 她用一连串最高级的词语描绘那个地方。