- Thai-Chinese International Trade Promotion Center Co., Ltd. 泰中国际贸易促进中心。
- Trade Promotion Center of the United Nations 联合国贸易促进中心
- trade promotion center 贸易促进中心
- Vietnam Trade Promotion and Tourism J.S.C. 越南贸易促进和旅游股份公司。
- Shanghai International Trade Promotion Co., Ltd. 上海外经贸商务展览有限公司。
- Ruili City of agricultural technology promotion center. 瑞丽市农业技术推广中心。
- In the meantime, we're authorized by the Corporation the rights to operate and manage China Investment Development Trade Promotion (India) Center and JOC Russian Co., Ltd. 同时,集团还授权我公司代为经营管理中国投资发展贸易促进(印度)中心和江苏海外集团俄罗斯有限公司。
- SHANGHAI ITPC IMP/EXP CO., is a subsidiary company of Shanghai International Trade Promotion Co., Ltd. 上海商展进出口公司是上海外经贸商务展览有限公司的下属子公司。
- To establish a publication overseas promotion center, implementing translation talent pool. 设立出版物海外推广中心、实施翻译人才库工程。
- Selling into new markets creates new jobs,so I ask Congress to finally approve Trade Promotion Authority. 把产品销往新的市场能够创造新的工作机会,因此我要求国会正式批准贸易推广法案。
- World security, protection, insurance and other fields who are participating exchanges, learning and trade promotion. 世界各国安全、防护、保险等领域人士均与会交流、学习和贸易促进。
- The Popularization Center of High Chromium Alloy Roll of Productive Force Promotion Center of National Metallurgical Industry Shandong Sifang Technology Development Co., Ltd. 国家冶金行业生产力促进中心高铬辊推广中心山东省四方技术开发有限公司。
- Selling into new markets creates new jobs, so I ask Congress to finally approve Trade Promotion Authority. 把产品销往新的市场能够创造新的工作机会,因此我要求国会正式批准贸易推广法案。
- By United with IN-SHP, Shanghai International Procurement Promotion Center and KOMAF Shanghai 2008, EASTPO 2008 will have strategic significance on multi-cooperation. 展会同期举行长三角2008装备制造业自主创新科技论坛、国防科技工业生产制造技术与工艺创新研讨会等十余场会议。
- Strategic information promotion center and psywar staff fabricate false news that Chinese troops are defeated at News Broadcasting(NB) at 7 o'clock in the evening of CCTV. 我们的战略情报影响中心和心理战部队伪造了中央电视台晚上七点的新闻联播,试图让北京的市民相信他们已经战败,然而结果适得其反,他们作战的信心更加强了!!
- The Wuhan Representative Office of the Holland Trade Promotion Association recently was officially established in Wuhan. 荷兰贸易促进会武汉代表处日前在武汉正式成立。
- This paper expounds the important effect of the Productivity Promotion Center(PPC) on technological innovation of our countrys middle and small enterprises. 文章阐述了生产力促进中心对我国中小企业技术创新的重要作用,提出了进一步发展生产力促进中心的建议。
- Implement trade promotion plans to meet product and sales objectives, deal with trade executions on end users promotion in sales channels. 实施渠道推广计划以实现销售目标,跟进终端用户推广计划在各销售渠道的执行。
- With its great and close relations in business circles in the world, CCPIT and CCOIC is a leading trade promotion organization both at home and abroad. 中国贸促会和中国国际商会是中国最大的贸促机构,也是国际上最重要的贸促机构之一,与国际商界有着广泛而深厚的联系。
- Basic theories or new functions under reliance of trade promotion by China's government and necessity in intensifying its trade promotion for the new era. 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院副院长沈丹阳先生演讲题目:新时期中国政府经贸工作的新职能或经贸促进所依据的基本理论及新形势下加强我国经贸促进工作的必要性。