- Rot disease of apple caused by epiphyte is one of the most severe diseases. Chemical methods played an important role in traditional control methods. 由真菌引发的苹果树腐烂病是我国果树种植区危害最严重的病害之一;传统的防治方法是以化学防治为主.
- In a traditional control system, the push button would be wired directly to the motor. 任凭说一个按钮就应该控制着发电机的运行操作。
- The development of fieldbus technology results in the changes in the construction of the traditional control system. 现场总线技术的发展,引起传统控制系统结构的改变。
- The traditional control mode has some deficiencies on learning ability and robusticity. 传统控制模型在学习能力、鲁棒性等方面存在着不足。
- The extension of the traditional control theory to these kinds of asynchronous packet-based control systems is needed. 因此需要发展适用于此类异步的、基于信包的控制系统的控制理论与技术。
- Network Control Systems (NCS) are the integrated area of traditional control technologyand information technology, which has been applied widely in various control applications. 网络控制系统(NCS)是传统控制技术与信息技术相结合的产物,它在各领域中已经得到了广泛的应用。
- However, for many processes the observations are autocorrelated, and this autocorrelation can have a significant effect on the performance of traditional control chart. 但许多过程存在自相关现象,并且这种自相关现象对控制图性能有严重影响。
- Ship speed control, which is important composition of ship synthetic control, is a high order, nonlinear, time-varying system, so it is very difficult to gain good performance with traditional control. 舰船航速控制是舰船航行综合控制的重要组成部分,它是一个复杂的高阶、非线性、时变系统, 采取传统的控制方法难以获得良好的控制效果。
- Based on this model,a novel combined control strategy based on methanol/isobutene ratio soft sensor model conversion was proposed and compared with the other traditional control scheme. 在过程模型基础上进行了过程控制方案的设计,提出了一种基于醇烯比软测量模型的产品质量/转化率联合控制方案,并通过仿真计算和其它常规控制方案进行了对比。
- The traditional control system of refiner based on the PLC of Siemens 200 is introduced and analyzed, and then an improvement proposal is made for two problems in the operational process. 介绍了基于西门子200系列PLC的传统磨浆机控制系统,就运行过程中的两点问题提出了改进方案。
- Abstract There are many uncertainties in real dynamic system of reconfigurable manipulator that make PID type or traditional control methods unable to realize accurate position control. 摘要 由于可重构机械臂的动力学系统中存在大量的不确定性,导致PID等传统的控制器无法实现精确的位置控制。
- The dissolved oxygen(DO) concentration has been an important process parameter in biological wastewater treatment process(WWTP) and perfect result can't be achieved using traditional control strategy. 溶解氧浓度是污水生化处理过程中的一个重要参数,传统的控制方法并不能取得理想的控制效果。
- Compared with the traditional control, the simulator of mariner's compass controlled by the stepper motor has such advantages as great precision and quick response. 与传统的遮光盘控制相比,使用步进电机驱动控制的航海罗经模拟器具有控制精度高、响应速度快等优点。
- Compared with the traditional controller design methods, the proposed approach for PSS design is more simple, convenient, intelligent and robust. 与传统的控制器设计方法相比,所提出的方法具有设计简便、智能化程度高、鲁棒性好的优点。
- Compared with traditional controller through experiments the novel SDRAM controller gets a high reduction up to 63% in access waiting time and 64% in page miss. 同时还使用了四路组关联的片上堆栈存储器来降低SDRAM的页失效频率,从而降低了因页失效而需要等待的时钟周期。
- A general controller model based the traditional controller is established after combining characteristics of traditional controller and the latest achievement such as PSS(Power System Stabilizer). 一、从传统控制器出发,研究它们的共性,并综合考虑当前发电机组控制的最新成果如电力系统稳定器PSS等,建立了一个基于传统控制器的综合控制器模型。
- This traditional costume is of indigo blue. 这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。
- A novel design of self-adjusting PI controller was designed to solve the problem that the parameters of the traditional controller in scanning probe microscopy(SPM) are difficult to be adjusted. 为了解决传统扫描探针显微镜(SPM)控制器中参数难以设定的难题,提出了一种SPM的PI参数自整定控制器的设计,并给出了控制器的硬件结构和软件设计。
- It have become fashionable to do down traditional moral value. 诋毁传统道德的价值已成为一种时髦事。
- Free from traditional social or moral constraints. 任意的不受传统的社会或道德限制的