- It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditional society. 不用说我们现在已不是生活在传统社会。
- It worths no words that we have got rid from the traditional society. 不用说,我们现在已不是生活在传统社会。
- The legal faith of our traditional society is the type of ethics value. 中国传统社会的法律信仰是一种伦理价值型的法律信仰。
- Why did both peasant and aristocrat seek the maintenance of traditional society? 为什么这两个农民和贵族寻求维护传统社会吗?
- As is showed in semi-modem theory, the dichotomy of modern society and traditional society has become out of date. 摘要半现代理论认为,现代社会和传统社会的二分法已经过时了,现实世界分为现代社会和半现代社会。
- The Opium War of 1840 forced China to transform from traditional society to modem society. 摘要1840年鸦片战争迫使中国由传统社会向现代社会转型。
- This paper especially pointes out that the Hui family culture vicissitude is stretch and development of family, nationality and country in the Hui traditional society. 认为回族家庭文化变迁是回族传统社会中家、族、国同构格局下的延伸与发展。
- Hardy portraits in his novels a group of new women with both values and moral standards different from those in the traditional society. 哈代的小说塑造了一群不同于传统价值取向和世俗道德标准的新女性形象。
- In society of Japanese ancient time, the family is patriarchy absolutely, this also is a of this traditional society prominent symbol. 在日本古代社会,家庭绝对是父权制的,这也是这个传统社会的一个突出标志。
- There was the especial framework of social delamination in Dong-people traditional society, put up a point of non-gradational delamination. 摘要侗族传统社会存在着社会分层的特殊结构,表现出非阶级分层的特点。
- Being different from the traditional society, concealing one's identity and anonymity are now a basic feature of modern society. 摘要与传统的熟人社会不同,隐名匿姓已成为现代社会的一个基本特征。
- The issue of peasantry is the key question in the process of the transformation from traditional society into modern society. 农民问题是传统社会向现代社会转变中的关键问题。
- In traditional society, the natural economy of autarky occupies dominant position, consequently general economy cooperates to be built hard. 在传统社会里,自给自足的自然经济居主导地位,因而普遍的经济合作难以建立。
- There was the especial framework of social delamination in Dong-people traditional society,put up a point of non-gradational delamination. 侗族传统社会存在着社会分层的特殊结构,表现出非阶级分层的特点。
- With an analysis of the special political culture of Chinese traditional society, it also reveals the internal regularity of social power corruption in China. 以对中国社会培育的特质性政治文化的分析为基点,揭示中国社会权力腐败发生机制的内在逻辑。
- With the transition from a planned economy to a market economy,from traditional society to modern society,the social mobility mechanism of peasants has changed. 随着我国由计划经济向市场经济转型、从传统社会向现代社会转变,农民的社会流动机制发生了变迁。
- Men’s body structure seems to have aggression inherently and their status and capability in the traditional society fosterage their aggression and possession of women. 男性的身体结构好象天生就具有某种进攻性,而在一个男性传统社会中男性的地位和能力更助长了他们对女性的进攻和占有。
- In the earlier times, Parsons creatively summarized five couples of variables differentiating modern society and traditional society in sociological study. 较早的帕森斯在社会学研究中,创造性的总结了区别现代社会与传统社会的五对变项。
- In Chinese traditional society,the basic principle of the Confucianist ethics morals is "the three cardinal guides" which the feudal rulers promoted with great effort. 在中国传统社会,儒家伦理道德的基本原则乃是封建统治者所大力提倡的“三纲”,而三纲落实在家庭伦理中又具体体现为其中的“二纲”,即父为子纲和夫为妻纲。
- In the traditional societies of Africa, the onset of puberty marked the change from child to adult. 在非洲的传统社会中,青春期一开始就标志着从孩子变成成年人了。