- traffic information extraction 交通信息提取
- Coreference resolution is necessary for information extraction. 消解共指,是进行信息提取的一个基本任务。
- In Radio Data System terminology, a radio program where traffic information is available. 无线电数据系统中的术语,可以从无线电程序中得到交通量信息。
- This research aims to develop a road traffic information system for Dalian City based on GIS and Web GIS technologies. 文章介绍了基于 GIS和 Web GIS技术开发的大连市道路交通管理信息系统。
- With the TMC cable, users can get instant message including weather and traffic information. 本网站所提到的产品规格及资讯仅提供参考,内容会随时更新,恕不另行通知。
- Web information extraction techniques were applied to Web information query,reconstruction and reuse. 为了实现对Web信息的查询、重构和再利用;人们采用了Web信息抽取技术.
- A59TC1000T PDA TMC Cable With the TMC cable, users can get instant message including weather and traffic information. 本网站所提到的产品规格及资讯仅提供参考,内容会随时更新,恕不另行通知。
- Abstract :The coreference resolution is an important subtask of information extraction. 摘要:共指消解是信息抽取中一个重要子任务。
- Technology of information extraction (IE) can provide high-quality service for retrieval. 摘要信息抽取技术能够提供高质量的检索服务。
- We are planning to establish a comprehensive transport information system that will provide territory-wide traffic information. 我们现正筹划一个全面的运输资讯系统以提供全港的交通资讯。
- Data mining is an information extraction activity whose goal is to discover hidden facts contained in databases. 数据挖掘是信息提取的活动,其目标是发现隐藏的事实数据库。
- The utilization of this data model in some city traffic information grid confirms its advantages of self-contained description, legible structure and practicability. 通过在某市交通信息网格项目中的应用,表明该模型具有信息完备、结构清晰、简洁实用等优点。
- Michael White, Tanya Korelsky, Claire Cardie.Multi-document Summarization via Information Extraction. 车万翔,刘挺,李生.;实体关系自动抽取
- TF-IDF does not consider the relationship between words and is important in information extraction. 针对此缺点,提出了一种新的基于关键词语和词语共现频率的特征选择和权重计算方法。
- Moreover, which types of real-time traffic information should be provided is also crucial to drivers' enroute switching behavior. 此外,提供何种交通资讯类型,才可有效影响驾驶人行驶中的路线移转行为,亦为重要的考量因素。
- With the requirement of traveler's real-time dynamic traffic information accuracy, a new method by merging existed fixed subsections was presented. 结合出行者对实时动态交通信息精度的要求,在已有固定分段的基础上提出了合并路段的方法;
- The information is admeasured step by step into different demand objects, to structure the whole traffic information center frame. 将交通信息逐层次的分配到不同的需求对象之中,形成完整的交通信息港大系统框架。
- Based on GIS software, modelsof weak information extraction are actualized and the expert-grading model for integrated evaluation isdeveloped. 基于gis软件,实现了弱信息提取模型,并开发了专家打分综合评价模型。
- TMC (Traffic Message Channel) is a well established real time traffic information broadcasting system in Europe used for dynamic routing. 西门子威迪欧也将在2007年为中国的汽车制造商提供一系列的车载导航产品。
- The status of the pump valve can be described precisely by a few parameters, therefore the failure feature information extraction is greatly simplified. 由于仅用较少的几个参数就可完成对泵阀状态较准确的描述,大大简化了泵阀故障特征的提取。