- The traffic police flagged the passing car down. 交通警察挥旗命令那辆经过的汽车停下来。
- traffic police assistant 交通协管员
- His car was clamped by the traffic police. 他的轿车被交通警察用轮夹给锁住了。
- I see there are many traffic police on the site. 我看见许多交警在现场。
- Traffic police are always very busy. 交通警察总是很忙。
- Traffic police are sometimes very polite. 交通警有时也很客气。
- The traffic police are working on the street. 交警在当路执行公务。
- The traffic police flagged the passing car down . 交通警察挥旗命令那辆经过的汽车停下来。
- The road is very narrow, so the traffic police have to set the pace for the drivers. 这条路非常窄,所以交通警察不得不给司机规定出驾驶速度。
- The car with a flat tire is being handled by traffic police. 交警正在处理那辆车胎没气的汽车。
- The traffic police prohibit cyclists from riding on the sidewalk. 交警不让骑车人上人行道。
- In front of a traffic police I like and how behind the sudden change so much? 交警的前面一句我很喜欢,后面怎么一下子就变了这么多?
- Classic scene: a car because of illegally stopped by the traffic police. 一辆轿车因违章被交警拦下。
- The source of this character in the play is a regular traffic police officer. 这部剧里这个人物的原型是一个普通的交通警察。
- The traffic police are trying to find out the truth behind this accident. 交警在究诘这起交通事故的真相。
- The traffic police requests her show papers, causes Li Danyang's disaffection. 交警要求她出示证件,引起李丹阳的不满。
- Near miss accidents will not be investigated by the traffic police. 交警不会调查侥幸免撞的交通事故。
- Traffic police and highway patrolmen patrol all roads to see if the traffic is in order. 交警和公路巡警在路上巡逻维持秩序。
- Pigeon ransoming bird nets must be eliminated with police assistance, to get rid of criminals loitering. 勒鸽鸟网必须请警方根除, 以免除恶棍徘徊。
- The road is very narrow,so the traffic police have to set the pace for the drivers. 这条路非常窄,所以交通警察不得不给司机规定出驾驶速度。