- The boys were spitting out of the train window. 那些男孩子向火车窗外吐口水。
- Don't stick your head out of the train window. 不要把头伸出火车窗外面。
- She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a good-bye. 她从火车窗口里伸出手挥动手帕道别。
- Never poke your head out of a train window. 绝不可把你的头伸出火车窗外。
- Do not stick your head out of the train window. 不要把头伸出火车窗外面。
- Never pokeyour head out of a train window. 绝不可把你的头伸出火车窗外。
- She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a goodbye . 她从火车窗里挥动手帕以示告别。
- She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a goodbye. 她在火车的窗口挥动着手绢道别。
- She sat looking out of the train window at the countryside passing by. 她坐着看列车窗外不断掠过的乡村。
- Don't let your boy poke his head out of the train window--it's dangerous! 别让你的孩子把头伸出火车窗外--太危险了。
- The countryside flashed past the train windows. 乡村景色从火车窗外飞掠而过。
- City born and city bred,I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window. 我城里生城里长,向来认为农村就是你通过火车窗口所见到的那样子。
- Seen from an airplane the barrenness of this country was bad enough, but from a train window it was worse. 从飞机上看,这个国家已经够荒凉贫瘠的,可是从火车车窗里看,那就更糟糕。
- The plot of a piece of fiction differs from the random piece of life seen from the train window by being a unit. 一部短篇小说或者一部长篇小说中的情节它与我们从火车窗户往外看去的这一幕之间有什么区别呢?那就是它有自己的一个整体、有自己的一个。
- The reflection on his face in the train window when they went through a tunnel was a little sinister. 当他们穿过隧道时,车窗上反映出他的面部,有点儿凶神恶煞的样子。
- We watched from the train window as the pastoral landscapes of Burgundy unfolded. 透过火车车窗,勃艮第的乡村风光展示在我们眼前
- The man was bursting to tell his fellow-traveler why he had pitched his suitcase out of the train window. 此人急切想和他的同车人说他为什么把他的一个小提箱火车窗外。
- City born and city bred, I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window. 我城里生城里长,向来认为农村就是你通过火车窗口所见到的那样子。
- He was kneeling on the seat, looking out of the train window and talking to his mother, who sat on the aisle. 他正跪在座位上,一边望着列车窗外,一边对靠过道坐的妈妈说话。
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。