- the transferring of labor forces 劳动力转移
- transfer of labor forces 劳动力转移
- In view of lack of labor force, the sister is hesitating. 姐姐虽然怕顿珠走后家里没有劳动力。
- transfer of labor force 劳动力转移
- The problem of shuck poverty and the transfer of redundant labor force effect realization urbanization and modernization directly. 在城市化进程中,贫困乡镇的脱贫、余劳动力的转移等问题直接影响城镇化和现代化的实现。
- Petty-Clark theorem indicates the non-ruralization fluctuant laws of employment structure of labor forces during the course of economic development. “配第-克拉克定理”反映了经济发展过程中劳动力就业结构的非农化变动规律。
- Floating-children are special groups emerge with speeding up the urbanization process and the transfer of rural surplus labor force. 摘要流动儿童是随着城市化进程加快、农村剩余劳动力转移而出现的特殊群体。
- To increase the chances of employment and the income of workers in poor areas,the state encourages and organizes the transfer of labor from areas favorable for such transfer. 为了帮助贫困地区劳动力充分就业并增加收入,国家鼓励并组织具备条件的贫困地区开展劳务输出。
- The transfer of farm labor force is rooted in dual economic structure of the imbalanced development of agriculture and industry. 摘要农业劳动力转移植根于农业与工业发展不均衡的二元经济结构。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- To increase the chances of employment and the income of workers in poor areas, the state encourages and organizes the transfer of labor from areas favorable for such transfer. 为了帮助贫困地区劳动力充分就业并增加收入,国家鼓励并组织具备条件的贫困地区开展劳务输出。
- How to realize transfer of rural surplus labor force will directly influence the development of northeast area and the step of building of a well-off society. 如何实现农村剩余劳动力的转移 ,直接影响东北地区的经济发展以及全面建设小康社会的步伐。
- There is a clear division of labor in ants. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。
- This proved to be market prosperity, solving the employment, reemployment, social security and the promotion of the transfer of surplus labor force fundamental measures. 事实证明,这是市场繁荣,解决就业、再就业、剩余劳动力转移和促进社会保障的根本性措施。
- Todaro considered the unemployment of the city to the discussion of the transfer of surplus agricultural labor force, which accorded with the reality even more. 托达罗对农业剩余劳动力转移的探讨考虑了城市的失业,对现实更具解释意义。
- These robots will save us a lot of labor. 这些机器人可以节省我们大量劳工。
- It was the important part in the strategy of developing the western to develop rural health resources, perfect medical services system and improve the whole diathesis of labor forces. 开发西部农村卫生资源,发展西部卫生事业,改善劳动力整体素质是实施西部地区大开发战略中不容忽视的内容之一。
- After analysis the status quo in Ningbo in process of urbanization and the choice of mode, the problem of shuck poverty, the transfer of redundant labor force and urbanization in Ningbo is discussed. 本文在分析了宁波市城市化进程的现状及选择的模式后,着重对宁波市贫困乡镇剩余劳动力和城镇化问题作一探讨。
- The transfer of property usually land to someone else. 将财产转让他人,通常指土地的转让。
- Chapter 2 discusses the issue of farming income from nonagricultural transfer and the urbanization of village, mainly from township business, flowing of labor force and urbanization of village. 第二章从非农化转移、农村城市化来谈增加农民收入问题。主要从乡镇企业、劳动力流动和农村城市化来谈增加农民收入问题。