- Metformin, an antihyperglycemic agent used in type 2 diabetes, was also inestigated because it inhibits PTP opening in transformed cell lines. 二甲双胍是用于治疗2型糖尿病的降糖药;能够抑制转化细胞系PTP的开放;所以我们对其进行调查.
- Objective To explore the relationship between characteristics of transformed cell and tumorigenicity. 目的探讨转化细胞特性及与致瘤性的关系。
- Methods Documents about transformed cell and tumorigenicity were reviewed in detail. 方法广泛查阅近期有关转化细胞和致瘤性方面的文献,综述其内容。
- Conclusion Non-tumorigenic transformed cell can be served as a standard cell line to study the function and growth characteristics of normal cell. 结论无致瘤性的一般转化细胞可作为标准细胞研究正常细胞的生理功能及其相关特性。
- Metformin, an antihyperglycemic agent used in type 2 diabetes, was also investigated because it inhibits PTP opening in transformed cell lines. 二甲双胍是用药治疗2型糖尿病的降糖药;能够抑制转化细胞系PTP的开放;所以我们对其进行调查.
- Results Normal biological characteristics and cell function could be maintai ned in non-tumorigenic transformed cell, but it was changed markedly in maligna nt transformed cell. 结果一般转化细胞无致瘤性,大都能保持其正常细胞的生物学特性和功能,而恶性转化细胞其生物学特性和功能明显改变。
- Transformed cells are loosely attached, rounded and randomly oriented. 转化细胞则不大贴壁、圆缩并呈杂乱分布。
- Rat ZA73 ( GenBank Accession Number: AF011363 ) , an EST was cloned from rat tracheal epithelial ( RTE ) neoplastic transformed cell model induced by a-particles radiation using mRNA differential display. ZA73(GenBank Accession Number:AF011363)是本实验室从大鼠肺上皮恶性转化细胞模型中采用mRNA差异显示技术克隆到的EST片段之一。
- The most striking illustration of this is the isolation of untransformed revertant cells from populations of transformed cells. 这方面最显著的例证乃是从转化细胞群体中分离出非转化的返转细胞。
- IMCC proliferates quickly,and has no tumorigenic ability,not belong to malignant transformed cells. IMCC增殖能力强 ,在裸鼠体内不致瘤 ,属于一般转化细胞。
- Rese arches show that most transformed cells and tumor cells have reduced or abolished GJIC. 研究表明大多数转化细胞和肿瘤细胞GJIC功能减弱或消失。
- Abstract:Selective marker gene is usually used to select transformed cells or tissue during gene transfer. 在基因转移过程中,人们常常使用标记基因来筛选转化细胞或组织。
- Some differentiation between the tumor cells and the original transformed cells was observed electron microscopically. 经扫描电镜与透射电镜观察瘤细胞形态与转化细胞有一定差别。
- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- These cells exhibited the glycopetide pattern characteristic of transformed cells when grown at the permissive temperature. 这些细胞在许可的温度下生长时,具有转化细胞所特有的糖肽图谱。
- Conclusion:The present study suggests that the transformed cells induced by three nickel compounds were malignant with tumorigenic ability. 结论:本文进一步说明了三种镍化合物所诱发的细胞转化为恶性转化,且都具有体内致瘤性。
- Current inspection of transformed cells by the method of double-major in soft agar cloning experiments and tumorigenicity in nude mice experiments. 目前检验转化细胞致瘤性的方法主要有双层软琼脂克隆实验和裸鼠致瘤实验。
- The magician transformed the frog into a princess. 魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。
- A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。
- In a follow-up experiment, they injected the transformed cells into the eyes of rats that had a photoreceptor-killing genetic defect in their RPE cells. 在后续实验中,他们将转变的细胞注射到因RPE细胞带有遗传缺陷导致感光细胞死亡的大鼠眼中。