- transient pore pressure 瞬态孔隙压力
- When the pore pressure is relatively high,the formate is used as a weighting agent to maintain a low-solid mud system. 在地层孔隙压力较高时,则配合使用甲酸盐进行加重,以维持一种性能优良的低固相钻井液体系。
- Besides, the undrained shear strength was increased slightly due to the negative pore pressure. 不排水条件下由于负孔隙水压力的存在,土样的表观强度略有增大。
- In the meantime, the pore pressure also increased with the increase of confining pressure. 同时,孔隙水压力值也随着周围压力的增大而明显增大。
- During the second stage, the excess pore pressure was dissipated under the constant loads. 固结阶段,土体在恒定荷载作用下,超孔隙气压和超孔隙水压逐渐消散而固结。
- A safety supervisory control of building dyke, i. e., pore pressure coefficient B-bar control method is introduced. 摘要简要介绍了一种软基上填筑堤坝施工安全的监控方法-孔压系数B值控制法。
- The model can be used to determine formation pore pressure and the optimum drilling fluid density to stabilize borehole. 利用该模型可确定地层孔隙压力和保持井眼稳定的最优钻井液密度等参数。
- The residual strain is the additional shear strain created with the increase of pore pressure due to cyclic shear under initial shear stress. 残余应变是由于周期剪切引起孔隙压力增长;在初始剪力作用下产生的附加的剪应变.
- The amplitudes of pore pressure increased notably with the increase of cyclic stress ratio, and the residual pore pressure also increased obviously. 当循环应力比增大时,动孔隙水压力变化幅值显著增加,而残余孔压也较大。
- Formation drillability is related to formation compact degree and pore fracture degree,so NDR can reflect formation pore pressure state. 地层可钻性与地层的压实程度和孔隙破裂程度有关,因此NDR可以反映地层孔隙压力的情况。
- Electroporation can greatly enhance the membrane permeability because it can induce transient pores in cell membranes. 电穿孔由于能使细胞膜出现暂时微孔,从而能大大提高癌细胞对药物的吸收率。
- By analyzing the results of the test the authors obtain a experiential curve about the coefficient of seepage, volumetric stress and pore pressure. 并经过分析可知,若其埋藏深度较浅,可以通过增加孔隙压来改善它的渗透性;
- The degradation of undrained shear strength is related to the cyclic strain and accumulated pore pressure produced by undrained clyclic loading. 并将波浪荷载作用使土样内孔压升高,有效应力降低,形成拟超固结现象的理论,应用到土样不排水抗剪强度衰减与平均累积孔压之间关系的分析;
- The study results show that the pore pressure and axial strain took on a fluctuant increasing process under cyclic shear loading. 研究表明,在循环荷载作用下,孔隙水压力和轴向应变均是一个波动上升的过程。
- When the pore pressure is relatively low,the positive-charged polyglycol is mainly used to ensure the muds having good performance. 在地层孔隙压力较低时,主要使用正电聚醇处理剂确保钻井液具有良好的性能;
- In a silty seabed, the excess pore pressure mounts distinctly due to the progressive wave, whereas there is no such phenomenon in a sandy seabed. 采用波浪水槽模型试验的方法,研究波浪荷载作用下砂质和粉质海床的孔压响应问题。
- Water also can infiltrate the rock and significantly increase the rock's "pore pressure," which also can set off or hasten the arrival of a temblor. 水还可以渗透进入岩石显著增加岩石的“孔隙压力”,这也可能引发或加速地震的到来。
- When the pore pressure is relatively low, the positive-charged polyglycol is mainly used to ensure the mud having good performance. 在地层孔隙压力较低时,主要使用正电聚醇处理剂确保钻井液具有良好的性能;
- When the pore pressure is relatively low,the positive-charged polyglycol is mainly used to ensure the mud having good performance. 在地层孔隙压力较低时,主要使用正电聚醇处理剂确保钻井液具有良好的性能;
- The study shows that the excellent prediction results on pore pressure can be obtained by using sonic approach and Eaton’s Equation in this two areas. 对比分析表明,在该地区利用声波时差法和伊顿公式法检测地层孔隙压力具有较高的精度。