- transient voltage quality 暂态电压质量
- The transient voltage is read at closely spaced intervals after termination of the current. 在电流中断后的一系列短区间上读出瞬变电压。
- A surge is a transient voltage or current which can have extremely short duration and high magnitude. 冲击是一种持续时间极短,幅值很大的暂态电压或电流。
- DC voltage solenoid coils shall include a transient voltage suppressor or diode mounted in parallel with the solenoid. 直流电压的电磁阀线圈将包括一个瞬时电压抑制器或与电磁阀并联安装的二极管。
- Its transient voltage at breaking is low. Then there is no need to have any special countermeasures in a load-side equipment. 它开关时的暂态电压很低,所以对负荷侧设备不需采取任何专门的对应措施。
- In them, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a better device which can compensate voltage quality problems. 动态电压恢复器(Dynamic Voltage Restorer,简写为DVR)是其中一种能够解决电压质量问题的装置。
- Key words: Reference regulated power supply; arrester;rejecting interference filter;clipping;materials; transient voltage suppresser. :参数电源稳压器;抑制干扰滤波器;接闪器;削波材料;瞬变电压抑制器
- Thus, the optimization problem of transient voltage security of a large power system can be decoupled into those of areas. 按控制区分别调整无功注入量,将大系统暂态电压的预防控制问题转化为各分区的对应问题,以改善整个系统的暂态电压安全。
- The hazards caused by transient voltage loss for electrolyzer are introduced,and the preventative measures are proposed. 介绍了瞬间失压对电解槽的危害,提出了相应的预防措施。
- It is based on the observation that the signal energy of the transient voltage response to a given contingency rises asymptotically with the increasing power to its limit. 它的基础是认为在给定故障条件下,暂态电压响应的信号能量将随着功率增加而渐近增长,其渐近线对应于暂态稳定极限,从而建立信号能量与传输功率和稳定极限的解析函数关系。
- Reactive power oPtimization is of great impotae to voltage quality twee, powerloss minimization and thUS security and economic operation of power system. 电力系统无功优化对保证电压质量、降低运行损耗,实现电网的安全经济运行具有重要意义。
- Along with a lot of new equipment sensitive to transient voltage putting into use, voltage sag caused intensive attention from both the power system and the user. 随着对暂态电压敏感的设备大量投入使用,电压暂降问题引起了供用电双方的极大关注。
- To ensure the voltage quality and the economic operation a design method for planning reactive power compensation in UHV network with optimum reactive power flow is presented in this paper. 本文提出了用最优无功潮流法规划超高压电网感性无功功率补偿设计的方法,这是保证电网电压质量和经济运行的前提。
- Based on two model system, a series of simulation has been carried out. From simulation result, the characteristic of transient voltage stability with the application of FCL may be concluded. 基于感应电动机的动态模型,对系统暂态电压失去稳定的机理进行了分析,提出了应用故障限流器可能有助于维持系统暂态电压稳定的论点,进而通过对两个模型系统所做的仿真实验印证了相关机理,并得出限流器对于维持系统暂态电压稳定的意义和作用特点。
- NOTE 3 When deducing the working voltage, the effect of transient voltages is ignored. 在确定工作电压的时候,不考虑瞬间电压的影响。
- Urban distribution scale bigness, so compensation of reactive power in urban distribution is very important for detract consume, economy energy sources, ameliorate voltage quality. 摘要城市配电网的规模巨大,因此配电网无功补偿对降损节能,改善电压质量意义重大。
- A method which can quickly determine the transient voltage stability of power system considering the third order induction motor paralleled with const impedance dynamic load model was presented. 提出一种负荷采用三阶感应电动机并联恒阻抗动态模型时系统暂态电压稳定快速判断的方法。
- On the one hand, the power system with insufficient supply ability is comparatively weak to withstand disturbances, and on the other hand, it may cause many voltage quality problems. 容量较小的电网一方面承受干扰的能力较弱,另一方面,电网供电能力不足将会引发许多电压质量问题。
- Converters of AC/DC power transmission systems consume lots of reactive power, which brings about great severe challenges for transient voltage stability of AC/DC power transmission systems. 交直流输电系统中直流换流器要消耗大量的无功功率,这使大干扰后交直流系统的暂态电压稳定性面临严峻考验。