- But its concerns were not seriously considered by the committee and so the URC held its first citizen's forum on the mass transit issue in July 1994. 但是它的关注并没有得到委员会的重视,所以城市资源中心在1994年7月举行了第一次有关公共交通问题的市民论坛。
- TRANSITION ISSUES: A number of breaches in New Orleans occurred where an earthen levee met a concrete flood wall and rising water scoured the joint and pushed through. 材料变换:纽奥良有些堤防裂口发生于土造海堤和混凝土防洪堤交会处,上涨的洪水冲坏堤防连接处,从这里突破防线。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- Joint Working Group on Transition Issues; 过渡问题联合工作组;
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。
- The damage was inflicted upon them in transit. 其损失发生在运输过程中。
- We don't want to personalize the issue. 我们不想把问题搞得个人化了。
- I'm not going to ride the fence on any issue. 对任何事情我都不打算骑墙观望。
- The goods were damaged in transit. 货物在运输过程中被损坏。
- He took up a radical position on this issue. 他对这个问题抱着激进的态度。
- The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。
- The worst part of the ocean transit was now over. 远洋航程里最困难的一段已经过去了。
- These goods were damaged in transit. 这些货物在运输过程中损坏了。
- This is an issue of the utmost importance. 这是一个极为重要的问题。
- The transit was damaged by flood. 运输线被洪水破坏了。
- This is not an issue of the utmost importance. 这不是一个很重要的问题。
- Race relations is a sensitive issue. 种族关系是敏感的问题。
- What are his sentiments on this issue? 他对这个问题持什么观点?
- We hope there will be a peaceful transition to the new system. 我们希望能够和平过渡到新的制度。
- Your objections do not touch the point at issue. 你提的反对意见与问题的实质无关。