- A transitional period of China's new print. 这是中国新兴版画的转型期。
- transitional period of society 社会转型期
- Ming Dynasty is a transitional period of Chinese society, during which Chinese feudal economy came to the peak of its development while the capitalism began to burgeon. 明代是中国封建经济高度发展、资本主义因素萌发时期。
- ChiLi has depicted the crisis, matrimonial defects, and the helplessness of the love and life of Chinese families during the transitional period of the society. 摘要池莉以伤感的情调描绘了社会转型期中国家庭的危机、婚姻的缺憾、爱情的无奈。
- Since the reform and opening-up, in the transitional period of Chinese society, each field of the social life has aroused phenomena of institutional change. 在中国的社会转型过程中,社会生活的各个领域都产生了制度变迁的现象。
- Climacteric is the transitional period of women from maturity to t he old age. 女性更年期是妇女由性成熟期逐渐进入到老年期的过渡时期。
- Psychological Analysis to the Causes of Collective Events in the Transition Period of Society 社会转型期群体性事件产生的心理原因探析
- That time, as well, was the transitional period of Taiwan, because Jingguo.Jiang had unchained the Martial Law which lasted for 38 years. 那也是台湾的转折岁月,蒋经国解除了维持了三十八年的戒严令。
- The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period are the transitional period of ancient Chinese awareness to spirit of human rights. 春秋战国时期,是中国古代人权意识向人权精神的过渡期。
- These criminals are the dregs of society. 这些罪犯都是社会的渣滓。
- As a transitional period of a person's growth, adolescence is marked by conflicts and problems that we all have to face in the process of growing-up. 作为发展过渡期的青春期,它交织着所有人成长中所要面临的矛盾和问题。
- It was understood that in the case of cigarettes, China could avail itself of a transitional period of two years to fully unify the licensing requirements. 各方理解,对于香烟,中国可使用2年的过渡期,以完全统一许可要求。
- The family is the basic unit of society. 家庭是社会的基本单位。
- When he ultimately left the priesthood, the diocese had offered to support him financially for a transitional period of adaptation to his new way of living. 教区当局曾表示可为他提供经济上的援助,以便他适应新的生活方式,但他当时认为无此需要。
- What will the government do after the transition period of WTO? WTO五周年 政府该做什么
- This hotel serves the top of society. 这个旅馆为社会的上层人物提供服务。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- The Han dynasty is a transitional period of inheriting and initiating .Its rules and regulations, especially its law system has a great influence on the later ages. 汉代在中国历史上承上启下,继往开来,其各项规章制度对后世产生了很大影响,尤其是法律制度所产生的影响更为深远。
- The new poetry in the period of the May Fourth Movement is in its primary stage and it is the transitional period of the establishment of the style of the new poetry. 五四时期是新诗的草创时期,是新诗的文体建设由自发向自觉转变的过渡期。
- She was the queen of society then. 那时她是社交界之后。