- The measure of data transmission speed ; a thousand bits per second. 数据传输速率的单位,为每秒1000波特。
- Poor telephone line quality can hamper transmission speed even further,and some older lines can't handle 56K at all. 质量差的电话线还会进一步降低传输速度,有些较陈旧的线路根本不能处理56K。
- Poor telephone line quality can hamper transmission speed even further, and some older lines cannot handle 56K at all. 质量差的电话线还会进一步降低传输速度,有些较陈旧的线路根本不能处理56k。
- Poor telephone line quality can hamper transmission speed even further, and some older lines can't handle 56K at all. 质量差的电话线还会进一步降低传输速度,有些较陈旧的线路根本不能处理56K。
- For example, a T-1 channel is a type of leased line that provides a maximum transmission speed of 1.544 Mbps. 例如,T-1 通道是提供最大传输速度为1.;544 Mbps 的专用线路的一种。
- The benefit of using DSL need not expansive promotion of line of telephone but can greatly increase the transmission speed of ordinary copper thread. 使用DSL服务最大的好处就是不需对现有的铜质电话线作昂贵的升级就可以大大增加普通铜线的传输速度。
- In a bridge testing,the transmission speed reaches 900 kbps,and the average time of read datum once time is less 300 ms. 在实际检测试验中,该检测系统传输速率可达900 kbps,平均读取一次数据时间小于300 ms。
- When the tube is biforked,the additional turbulent flow will be produced,which will improve the flame transmission speed in gas explosion. 管道分叉时,产生附加湍流,使瓦斯爆炸过程中火焰的传播速度迅速提高。
- Interface disk, the board provides a transmission speed of 6 to 3.0gb / s Interface sata's, and also provides an interface device ide. 此外它还通过了能源之星认证,采用无铅工艺生产,符合节能和环保的流行趋势。
- The biggest advantage of the case without gearbox transmission speed can be adjusted to achieve an accurate calibration. 最大优点为在无需变速箱的情况下可以准确实现传动速度的调整校正。
- Using computer-controlled positioning control,eliminate leather transmission speed fluctuations on the accuracy of spraying. 电脑控制采用定位控制,消除皮革传送速度波动对喷涂精度的影响。
- Scheduling algorithm for complicated resources management is not fit for active code, it debases transmission speed of capsules. 摘要复杂的资源管理调度算法对主动代码的运行并不合适,相反会降低信包的传输速率。
- These new type Digital PLC use SSB, QAM or TCM modulation technology and occupy the bandwidth between several kHz to dozens of kHz with the transmission speed less than 100kbps. 新型数字载波机使用的调制技术有SSB,QAM和TCM等,占用带宽为几kHz到几十kHz,数据传输率最高不超过100kbps。
- In addition to provide clear voice, CDMA Network can also provide high data transmission speed of 153.6 kb/s. The speed is higher enough to provide much data service. CDMA网络除了可提供清晰的话音外;还可提供最高153.;6kb/s的数据传输速率;这个速率能使许多数据业务得到应用。
- Seting up automatic control network in large-scale plant can effectively upgrade the production efficiency,the transmission speed and quality of information. 在大型选煤厂中,建立自动控制网络可以有效地提高生产效率,提升信息的传递速度和传递质量。
- On the basis of experiment, the influence of impressed electromagnetic field on fire transmission speed and overpressure in gas explosion was investigated. 摘要在实验的基础上,研究了外加电磁场对瓦斯爆炸过程中火焰传播速度和超压的影响。
- USB interface as the current PC peripherals mainstream interface has high transmission speed, supporting hot pluggable and bus electricity, and is easy to use. USB接口作为目前PC机外设的主流接口,传输速度快,支持热拔插,总线供电,使用方便。
- For the transmission speed is under the condition of 40Gbps NRZ, the system can be compensated effectively by means of the compensation scheme demonstrated in the thesis. 在本论文中所提出的二阶偏极化模态色散补偿架构,包含两个极化控制器、两个光循环器和一个可调式群速延迟元件。
- Especially the friend of limited company of American CEE science and technology.The MODM of SK transmission speed and MODEM server got the attention of numerous delegate. 非凡是美国CEE科技有限公司的朋.SK传输速度的MODM和MODEM服务器受到了众多代表的关注。”
- Abstract: The future wireless communications system requires higher data transmission speed and better QoS, therefore the system capacity should be greatly improved. 摘要:未来无线通信系统需要更高的数据传输速率和更好的服务质量,因此需要系统容量大幅度提高。