- transplacement vector(replacement vector) 置换型载体
- transplacement vector replacement vector
- Use menus to provide a pedagogic vector. 用菜单来提供一条学习的途径。
- That is transitory or semipersistent in its vector. 在它的介体中是属于中间的或半持久的。
- The vector product is said to be anticommutative. 可以说矢积是反交换的。
- These are inserted into a cloning vector. 它们被插入克隆载体。
- Angular momentum is an axial vector quantity. 角动量是一种轴矢量。
- The strain vector is a scalar quantity. 应变向量为一纯量。
- In other words, menus provide a pedagogic vector. 换句话说,菜单是一条学习的途径。
- Luke, l have no approach vector. 路克!我没航道检视器!
- The bit vector occupies( n_ nullable+7)/8 bytes. 位向量占用了(空的列数+)8字节。
- Vertex format includes a vertex normal vector. 顶点格式包括顶点法线向量。
- Multiplies each vector in an array by the matrix. 将数组中的每个矢量与矩阵相乘。
- Some of the very rules of the transplacement, but also easy to spot. 有些格边法规的错位,亦易漏检。
- Wind Stress Vector over Ocean Waves. 作用于海洋波的风应力矢量。
- The concept of four typical mistakes: managernent in the transplacement. 典型错误用人观念四:错位使用。
- Guangxi Investment Group Vector Biotech CO., LTD. 广西投资集团维科特生物技术有限公司。
- The Derivative of a Map between Vector Spaces. 向量空间之间映射的微分。
- Initializes a new instance of the Vector structure. 初始化Vector结构的新实例。
- NewSize - the new size of this vector. 新的大小。