- Terminal change to Tseung Kwan O MTR Station Public Transport Interchange. 总站迁往将军澳地铁站公共交通交汇处。
- The existing bus terminus will remain in service until MOS Rail and the new Public Transport Interchange open. 而现时的巴士总站会维持运作直至马铁及新的公共交通交汇处启用为止。
- The proposed West Rail by the KCRC will have two stations in Tuen Mun New Town, each with its own public transport interchange facilities. 九广铁路公司拟建的西铁在屯门新市镇将设有两个车站,而每个车站会有公共交通接驳设施。
- Frequency improvement and terminal change to Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station Public Transport Interchange. 改善班次,总站迁往调景岭地铁站公共交通交汇处。
- Terminal change to Tseung Kwan O MTR Station Public Transport Interchange after merging with Route 296C . 与第296C号合并后,总站迁往将军澳地铁站公共交通交汇处。
- Frequency adjustment and terminal change to Hang Hau MTR Station Public Transport Interchange. 调整班次,总站迁往坑口地铁站公共交通交汇处。
- Provide connections with footbridge, Multi-storey Carpark, Public Transport Interchange and Subway. 提供通道接駁行人天橋、多層停车場、公共運輸交匯處及行人隧道。
- The proposed West Rail by the KCRC will have two stations in Tuen Mun New Town,each with its own public transport interchange facilities. 九广铁路公司拟建的西铁在屯门新市镇将设有两个车站,而每个车站会有公共交通接驳设施。
- The taxi stands at Expo Drive East, Wan Chai Ferry Pier Public Transport Interchange and Harbour Road will be suspended. 位于博览道东、湾仔渡轮码头公共运输交汇处及港湾道的的士站将暂停使用。
- A public transport interchange is also available in the new control point, providing franchised bus, green minibus and taxi services. 落马洲支线管制站并设有公共运输交汇处,提供专营巴士、专线小巴和的士服务。
- The Southern Access Road and the public transport interchange are in an advanced stage of construction and will be opened in early 2002 to coincide with the completion of the Cyberport building. 通往数码港的南面通路和公共交通交汇处已进入后期施工阶段,将于二零零二年年初启用,以配合数码港大楼的落成。
- There will also be a Public Transport Interchange adjacent to the passenger terminal building at the new control point for access by other means of transport. 新管制站的旅检大楼毗邻将设置一个运输交汇处,方便各类公共运输车辆使用。
- A new pedestrian subway has been built at the eastern side of the station concourse, linking the station to Tsuen Nam Road and the new Public Transport Interchange. 大围站的大堂东面将兴建一条行人隧道,连接村南道及新的公共交通交汇处。
- Contour lines are widely used in buildings, the transport interchange, dance hall, transparent elevators, glass doors, transparent cabinet beautiful decorated different places. 现广泛应用于建筑物轮廓线,各交通立交桥、歌舞厅、透明电梯、玻璃门、透明柜等不同场所的美观装饰。
- I suggest a green New Town at Hung Shui Kiu.Access can be by a new West Rail station at Hung Shui Kiu with interchange to LRT.Road transport interchange with Deep Bay Link. 由于城市区的空气质素较差,最关键是住宅区接近工业区,加上地铁已从城市区伸延至新市镇和机场,因此公共住宅须向新市镇扩散!
- The shuttle bus service introduced in March 1997 between the Lok Ma Chau Public Transport Interchange and Huanggang in Shenzhen is well patronised and carries 7970 passengers daily. 行走落马洲公共交通交汇处与深圳皇岗之间的穿梭巴士,自一九九七年三月投入服务以来甚受欢迎,平均每日载客7970人次。
- To the northeast of the Airport will be a 57-hectare commercial complex - SkyCity, providing a new passenger facility, a transport interchange, retail outlets and office accommodation. 机场东北面一片约57公顷土地将发展为综合商业设施-航天城。城内将兴建崭新旅客设施、运输交汇处、零售商店及办公大楼。
- Further notice, setting out the manner in which such public transport interchange, carriageway and footpath are to be closed, will be issued under section 18 of the Ordinance as and when required. 在施工期间,当局会根据该条例第18条的规定另行发出通告,说明封闭该等公共运输交汇处、行车道和行人路的方法。
- Frequency improvement and extension of operating hour to strengthen MTR feeder role. Terminal Change to Hang Hau MTR Station Public Transport Interchange to provided MTR feeder service for Sai Kung. 改善班次及延长服务时间,加强接驳地铁功能。总站迁往坑口地铁站公共交通交汇处,方便西贡乘客接驳地铁。
- Similar CCTV cameras are being planned for other open highways and major public transport interchanges. 此外,当局正计划在其他露天公路及主要公共交通交汇处,安装同类型的闭路电视摄影机。