- transpositional behavious 转座行为
- I am a tolerant man,but your behavious is more than bear. 我本来是一个宽宏大量的人,但你的行为实在叫人难以忍受。
- The behavious of antiskid of pavement is one of the parameters for flexible pavement design. 路面抗滑性能是“柔性路面设计方法”各参数中的一项。
- Hanna NH,Tobias SA,The nonlinear dynamic behavious of a machine tool structure.Int Journal of MTDR,1969,9:193-207. 吴雅柯石求.;金属切削机床切削噪声的动力学研究[J]
- The Hydroxyapatite is one kind of more up-and-coming ceramic transpositional material of artificial bone with wide application. 认为羟基磷灰石是一种很有前途的陶瓷人工骨置换材料。
- The associated risk factors of LBP were history of parenthoods, history of back injury, abnormal psychological behavious, long time of sitting. 相关危险因素有:父母患病史、腰伤史、心理和精神异常以及长时间坐位。
- An improved mathematicalmodel was established to describe the mechanical behavi or of Fe-powder compacting process. 针对铁粉材料,建立了一种新的数学模型,用于描述压制过程力学性能变化。
- The experiment results showed that the NN model was perfect in recognizing transpositional images. 实验结果表明:所建立的网络模型具有较好的性能。
- Objective:To understand the knowledge level and attitude of school students about AIDS and their behavious factors,and to provide accordance for school propagand plans. 目的了解中专生艾滋病知、态、行现状,为学校制定艾滋病宣传策略提供依据。
- Seven patients who presented with complicated acute finger injuries were treated successfully with local transpositional adipofascial flaps. 我们成功的以转位脂肪筋膜皮瓣治疗七位急性指部复杂性创伤的病人。
- Opioid dependence is a brain disease which attacks recurrently.It is a medical and social problem that relates closely to physiology,psychology and behavious. 阿片类药物依赖是一种反复发作的脑疾病,是一个涉及到生理、心理、行为的医学和社会问题,其治疗也是一个长期而又艰难的过程。
- This paper points out that “Transpositional Thinking” is a new thought in the work of library management and the essence of it is“humanity management”. 文章指出“换位思考”是图书馆管理工作的一种新思路,其实质是人本管理。
- The non-isothermal crystallization behavi or and melting characteristics of polypropylene(PP) nucleated by different nucle ating agents were studied by DSC. 用DSC研究了两种成核剂成核PP的非等温结晶行为与熔融特性。
- Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of frequency transpositional hearing aids on hearing and speech rehabilitation for children with profound hearing loss. 目的本研究通过为极重度听力损失的儿童验配移频助听器并跟踪其语言训练结果,分析配戴移频助听器后的听力语言康复效果。
- The idiosyncratic thought includes the formatting thought, the transpositional thought, the macroscopical thought and the particular innovative thought. 这种思维方式主要有格式化思维、位式思维、体性思维以及具有自身鲜明特点的创新性思维。
- We present one case of 11 y/o child using island pedicle thoracodrosal perforator flap for right and random transpositional flap for left axillary burn scar contractures. 我们报告一个十一岁的小朋友使用根蒂式胸背穿通枝皮瓣与转移位皮瓣重建双侧腋下烧伤疤痕挛缩的病例报告。
- Based on the laws of human psychology and behaviour, flexible management produces a kind of potential persuasiveness without resorting to compulsion, thus turning organizational will into conscious behavious. “以人为本”的柔性管理是在研究人的心理和行为规律的基础上 ,采用非强制的方式 ,在人们心目中产生一种潜在的说服力 ,从而把组织意志变为人们自觉行动的管理。
- The behavious of aged softeniag for Ag 99.99% (A_1) and Ag 99.9% (A_2) were studied. The factors that have influence on the rate of age softening for silver materials, such as purity, compression ratio, temperature, and aging time, were discussed. 研究了纯度为99.;99%25(A_1)和99
- The results presented in our paper offered an elec trophysiological evidence for illuminating the observation in behavious pharmacology that central effects produced by TRH might be inverted by GABA. 本文结果对行为药理实验中所观察到的GABA翻转TRH效应的现象,提供了有关的电生理依据。
- There were lots of bad behavious about the transmission routes of AIDS.For example 7% of school students have sexed,23% of them had the bad behaious of sharing brushes with each other. 学生中存在许多与艾滋病传播有关的不良行为,如:7%25发生过性行为,23%25有共用牙刷的不良行为;