- He lost his travelling bag when he crossed the desert. 他在穿越沙漠的时候丢失了他的旅行袋。
- He packed a travelling bag and took the morning train to Shanghai. 他把东西装到旅行袋里,坐早车来到上海。
- Taking his travelling bag, he hurried on(off) the train. 他拿走旅行袋就匆匆上[下]车了。
- Laminate the lists and keep one in your desk and one in your travel bag. 把点检表分成两份,一个放在桌子上另一个放在你的旅行包里。
- You can check your travelling bag in at the desk. 你可以在服务台寄存旅行包。
- Yes, a briefcase, a travelling bag and a suitcase. 是的,1个公事包、1个旅行行李袋和1个手提箱。?
- Oh, dear! I have left my travelling bag behind. 唉呀!我忘了拿旅行包了。
- I've just realized I don't have my travelling bag. 我刚发觉我的旅行包不在身边。
- Yes, a briefcase, a traveling bag and a suitcase. 是的,一个公文包,一个旅行袋和一只箱子。
- I have a suitcase and a traveling bag. 我有一个手提箱和一个旅行包。
- Oh dear! The travelling bag has been left behind. 唉呀!旅行袋忘了拿了。
- Yes, one suitcase and a traveling bag. 是的,一只箱子,一个旅行包。
- His traveling bag is crammed full of old clothes. 他的马桶包被塞得满满的,都是一些旧衣服。
- Abao: What? Give up one traveling bag? 宝:什么?你让我丢弃一只行囊?
- That white woman held a baby in her right arm and carried a travel bag in her left hand. 那位白人妇女右臂抱着一个婴儿,左手提着一个旅行袋。
- Porsche even throws in a Porsche Design Chronograph watch plus a travel bag set. 保时捷甚至全中,保时捷设计计时手表加上一个旅行袋设置.
- He tried to cram as many things as possible into his traveling bag. 他尽量把东西都塞进旅行包。
- Under blue sky lovesickness, is this curved road, my dream installs in the travel bag. 蓝天下的相思,是这弯弯的路,我的梦都装在行囊中。
- LuggageA businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travel bag onto the plane. '行李一个商人拖着他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。
- A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy,oversized travel bag onto the plane. 一个商人拖著他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。