- travel online forum 旅游网络论坛
- Become a party member of Ren Min Swing Online Forum! 中国摇摆网上论坛北京、海、港的摇摆舞社团都有一个空间来发布最新的活动,交换意见。
- Without a registered account, you cannot log on to the online forum. 没有注册账号的话,你就无法登陆这个在线论坛。
- Click here to view a "very active" online forum discussion of our new OSD Pro. 点击此处查看了“非常积极”网上论坛讨论的新OSD专业。
- In fact,before Zaobao Online opened its forum,the gang rape of Chinese women in Indonesia had already been a hot online forum topic in the West. 其实,此前,以谴责印尼集体强奸华妇暴行为主题的讨论,已在西方网上沸沸扬扬多时。
- In fact,before Zaobao Online opened its forum,the gangrape of Chinese women in Indonesia had already been a hot online forum topic in the West. 其实,此前,以谴责印尼集体强奸华妇暴行为主题的讨论,已在西方网上沸沸扬扬多时。
- The Online Forum received some 52,000 visits, and 374 comments from a wide variety of participants in different countries. 在线论坛收到了来自各不同国家的广大参与者的约52,000次访问和374条意见。
- In fact, before Zaobao Online opened its forum, the gang rape of Chinese women in Indonesia had already been a hot online forum topic in the West. 其实,此前,以谴责印尼集体强奸华妇暴行为主题的讨论,已在西方网上沸沸扬扬多时。
- On the online forum, some TIs posted vociferous objections to the parallel, concerned that the public finds UFOs even weirder than mind control. 浏览网上论坛,部分受害者张贴反对声音的同时,担心公众心目中认定UFOS甚至比大脑控制更怪诞。
- Ironically, the promise of secrecy was not reciprocal.Charis was posting to the 12 Daily Pro online forum all sorts of details about their conversation. 具有讽刺意味的是,保密的承诺不是双向的,这个女人在12D的论坛里就公布了他们见面的所有细节。
- Andro Kiknadze said an online forum he used to organize supporters appeared to have been taken down, and he described a "cyberwar" in which some Web sites appear to be blocked. 格鲁吉亚人安德罗.;柯克纳德兹说,他经常用于组织支持者活动的一个线上论坛被撤销了,他描述说这是一场“网上战争”,有些网站在这场战争中被关闭了。
- LX is an online forum community website designed with performance, security, and design in mind. Written in PHP5 and still under active development, but it is usable. LX是一个特别从性能、安全角度进行设计的在线论坛社区站点。使用PHP5编写,仍在开发之中,但已可使用。
- One angler wrote on the Bluebells Lakes online forum: “I have followed the capture of this great fish for years &years, from carp magazines to this website &the forum! 钓鱼者杂志的专栏作家杰瑞.;纽曼说:“无论是什么生物死了都会谣言四起。
- Build registration system and webinar microsite; One program survey with 3-5 questions; one online &print promotion; Opening an online forum for text Q&A; providing report and 90-day hosting. 建立用户注册系统和在线研讨会子网站;包含3-5个问题的调研方案;在线及印刷媒体推广;在线文字问答;会议报告;主机保留90天。
- But China's 'human flesh search engines' have gotten on the case.Last night, a purported name list of shareholders in the closely held Meidu was posted on the popular online forum Tianya.cn. 股东名单上的一人与闵行区政府网站上公布的梅陇镇镇长助理同名,莲花河畔景苑项目就在闵行区。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- Passenger ships are a costly way to travel. 坐游轮是昂贵的旅行方法。
- Mary would rather travel by train than by plane. 玛丽宁可乘火车而不愿乘飞机旅行。
- The online forums have allowed people to be in touch one-to-one,or one-to-many or many-to-many. 由于电子邮件和网上论坛的出现,将使人们以极高的效率进行一对一,一对多和多对多的人际交流。
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。