- traversability classification 可通行性分类
- It is helpful to begin with a rough and ready classification. 首先进行粗略的分类是很有帮助的。
- There is a hierarchy in the classification of all living creatures. 一切生物均可按等级分类。
- Inverse agonist is a new type of classification. 摘要反向激动剂指一种新分类概念。
- One who assigns names, as in scientific classification. 命名者命名的人。如在科学分类中
- These all belong in a different classification. 所有这些都属于不同的类别。
- This kind of classification is not exhaustive. 这种分类法并不是包罗无遗的。
- I am studying spectral classification. 我在学习光谱分类。
- Renvers.Renvers is the inverse movement in relation to travers. 腰外这是与腰向内完全相反的动作。
- They defy accurate classification at present. 这使目前的正确分类有困难。
- This is a good system for classification. 这是一个很好的分类法。
- A phylogenetic classification of species. 按演化发展对物种进行的分类
- Equivocal, as in classification or nature. 不明确的,模棱两可的在类别或性质上不明确的
- A new method was proposed based on the traversability of obstacle classification aiming at the lunar rover's autonomous navigation in three-dimensional terrain. 摘要针对月球车的三维自主导航,提出了一种新的基于障碍物分类的通行性方法。
- When did modern China begin in your classification? 现代中国的上限是哪一年?
- Fungal classification is still unsettled. 真菌的分类仍然是未定形的。
- Than we can traver each other around dalian and walk by the seaside everyday. 那样我们可以一起再大连旅游,天天去海边散步。
- Which classification are you using? 你们采用什么分类法?
- Which classification does this book belong to? 这本书属于哪个类别?
- I hardly get to see Travers anymore now that he's off at prep school. 我几乎在这里看不到拉弗斯了,他在预备学校。