- An Empirical Evaluation of the Performance of China's Treasury Bond Investment 中国国债投资绩效的实证评估
- China's use of treasury bonds investment urban infrastructure construction and four years to achieve gratifying results, unprecedented urban construction has entered a rapid development stage. 中国利用国债资金投资城市基础设施建设,四年来取得喜人成效,城市建设进入了一个前所未有的快速发展阶段。
- treasury bond investment 国债投资
- How to Distinguish National Treasury Bond? 如何鉴别国库券的真伪?
- Analysis of Commercial Bank's Bond Investment? 商业银行的债券投资:盛筵还是鸡肋?
- You can thus count on the bullion price to rise as Treasury bond yields are increasing. 当长期国库券收益上升的时候,你可以期待手上的金银块价格上涨。
- China is increasing Treasury bond issues to finance its four trillion yuan stimulus package over the next two years. 中国正在增加其债券发放来为今后两年的四万亿刺激经济增长的方案提供资金。
- Integrate investment within the general budget and national bond investment. 整合预算内投资和国债投资,强化节能投资力度。
- Treasury bond prices rallied, lowering the corresponding yields, and gold prices flirted with record highs as investors sought safety in hard assets. 国债价格上升,相应收益率下降。由于投资者寻求安全资产以避险的要求,金价得以创记录的上涨。
- Maintaining the necessary level of investment from treasury bonds to stimulate a relatively rapid growth of fixed-asset investment. 保持国债投资的必要规模,带动固定资产投资较快增长。
- Treasury bonds also offer a yield premium over German bunds. 美国国债的收益率也高于德国国债。
- A bond whose redemption value is linked to a variable such as the dollar/yen exchange rate, the performance of the benchmark US Treasury bond, a stock index or the gold price. 指赎回价值与某种指标挂钩的债券,参照指标可以是美元兑日元的汇率、美国公债、股价指数或黄金价格的走势等。
- The government issued additional treasury Bonds to Banks to increase investment. 向银行增发国债,扩大投资
- Asked on several occasions about China's outsized role in the US Treasury bond market, she said she appreciated Chinese continued purchases of US government debt. 在数次被问到有关中国在美国国债市场上的超大角色时,希拉里说,她对中国坚持购买美国国债表示感激。
- For instance, at Salomon Mr Meriwether's team had spotted that the 29-year Treasury bond was surprisingly cheap compared with the 30-year Treasury bond. 举例来说,在所罗门兄弟的时候,梅里韦瑟先生的团队曾经敏锐的注意到29年期国债相比30年期国债而言价格是令人吃惊的低廉。
- I'm going to the bank to cash in the treasury bonds I bought. 我要到银行去兑取国库卷。
- Because in a deflationary environment, low investment yield of treasury bonds is a good choice. 因为在一个通货紧缩的环境里,投资低收益率的国债是一个不错的选择。
- To appreciate just how scarce investment income has become, check out the yield on inflation-indexed Treasury bonds. 为了让已变得如此微薄的投资收入升值,可以看看通货膨胀指数型国债的收益率。
- A fixed income bond investor has to understand these two concepts. 上述两个概念对债券投资者来说是非常重要的。
- Due to the effect of the policy of issuing state treasury bonds and enlarging investment,investment in fixed assets kept steady growth though the base figure was quite high. 国家增发国债、扩大投资的政策效应在今年进一步显现,固定资产投资尽管基数很大,仍保持平稳增长。