- Thermal Treatment of Bamboo Fiber 竹纤维热处理研究
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他们对待妇女的方式恶劣得难以言表。
- His treatment of her was beyond endurance. 他这样对待她是无法忍受的。
- His treatment of his wife is outrageous. 他对待妻子十分蛮横。
- I don't like her lofty treatment of her visitors. 我不喜欢她对来访者的高傲态度。
- Abominable treatment of prisoners. 对犯人进行令人发指的虐待
- Their barbarous treatment of prisoners aroused great rage. 他们对犯人的残酷虐待激起了极大的愤怒。
- Your essay gives a rather sketchy treatment of the problem. 你的文章只粗略地涉及到这个问题。
- I do not like his treatment of the theme in his new book. 我不喜欢他在自己新作中对这一主题的论述。
- Lack of space forbids further treatment of the topic here. 因篇幅所限,此处不便对本题作进一步阐述。
- Treatment of electrical burns is palliative. 电烧伤的治疗只起治标作用。
- A cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails. 足疗脚病或脚指甲的治疗修剪
- which more features is a carving, painting, staining and other special treatment of bamboo and bamboo with aluminum tubes Campanula Campanula. 其中较有特点的是经过雕刻、彩绘、染色等特殊处理的竹子风铃以及竹子配铝管风铃。
- Heparin is the treatment of choice. 肝素为首选的治疗剂。
- The treatment of skin lesions is symptomatic. 皮肤病变的治疗都是对症的。
- We also give a brief treatment of valuation. 我们还简单地讨论一下赋值。
- The treatment of benign tumors is extirpative. 良性肿瘤的治疗是摘除。
- Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks. 斯大林对富农采取的残暴政策
- A hospital for the treatment of leprosy. 麻风病院专门诊治麻风病的医院
- His miserable treatment of his family. 他对他家人的可耻行为。