- treatment prior to disposal 弃置前处理
- What were you told about the electroshock treatment prior to its administration? 在您被使用电击治疗之前,他们对您说些甚吗?
- If yes, what were you told about the electroshock treatment prior to its administration? 如果“是”,在您被使用电击治疗之前,他们对您说些甚吗?
- In the present paper we reviewed the efficacy of these treatments prior to LT. 在此,我们将对这些移植前的局部治疗的疗效作一综述。
- DVS cultures need no activation or other treatment prior to use and offer a number of advantages in terms of flexibility of use, consistent performance, no investment in bulk starter equipment and possibility of using customized culture blends. 直投式发酵剂使用灵活,性能稳定,不需要批量发酵剂制作设备,还能够由使用者来自行定制混合发酵剂。
- With a view to tackling the tough problem in Yamamai cocoon reeling, a new reeling process is established by wet heat treatment prior to cocoon cooking and selection of new cocoon cooking chemicals. 针对天蚕茧解舒难的问题,根据人工饲育天蚕茧的特性,采用煮茧前热湿处理,并筛选出煮茧新药剂,确立了天蚕茧解舒新工艺。
- It happened prior to my arrival. 这发生在我到达之前。
- This article describes the techniques and their function of different watermelon seed treatment prior to sowing.The paper also reviews the future development of watermelon seed treatment technology. 文章概述了西瓜种子播种前的处理方法及其作用,对今后西瓜播种前种子处理的发展趋势进行了展望。
- It happened prior to her departure. 这事在她走前发生的。
- In non-myeloablative transplantation therapy, patients are given mild or moderate cytotoxic treatments prior to the allogeneic stem cell infusion. 在非清髓性移植治疗中,患者在异基因造血干细胞输注前,先被施予低度或中度的细胞毒性处理。
- Acquired therrnotolerance was induced by a short heat acclimation at moderately high (but survivable) temperature or other nonlethal stress treatments prior to heat stress. 通过适当高温热驯和其他胁迫处理,植物的耐热性将得到提高。
- Prior to entering the nozzle, the steam is at high pressure. 在进入喷嘴之前,蒸汽处于高压状态。
- What did you do prior to coming here? 你来这里之前做什么事?
- He was forced to dispose of his art treasures. 他被迫处理掉自己的艺术珍品。
- I want to dispose of these old books. 我想处理掉这些旧书。
- He doesn't know how to dispose of his spare time. 他不知道怎样安排业余时间。
- This task is prior to all others. 这项任务比所有其他任务都重要。
- Glass bead gels need not be hydrated prior to use. 玻璃珠凝胶在使用之前不需要水化。
- All the arrangements should have been completed prior to our departure. 全部安排都应该在我们出发之前完成。
- I called on her prior to my departure. 我动身前去看过她。