- trichomoniasis intestinalis [医] 肠毛滴虫病, 人毛滴虫病
- Trichomoniasis is more common than syphilis. 滴虫病比梅毒常见。
- Females cannot infect other females with trichomoniasis. 患有滴虫病的女性不可能传染其他的女性。
- Trichomoniasis is a contagious, venereal disease of cattle characterized by sterity, pyometra and abortion. 滴虫病是牛的一种接触传染的性
- Trichomoniasis in men and HIV infection: data from 2 outpatient clinics at Lilongwe Central Hospital, Malawi. 男性患者和HIV感染者患滴虫病的情况:数据来自马拉威利隆圭中心医院2个门诊部的病人。
- Trichomoniasis is a contagious, venereal disease of cattle characterized by sterility, pyometra and abortion. 滴虫病是牛的一种接触传染的性病。以不育、子宫积脓和流产为特征。
- Anastomotic stricture and obstruction of ansa intestinalis are the major causes of the reoperation. 吻合口狭窄及游离肠袢梗阻是再手术的主要原因。
- In men, trichomoniasis is most common in the urethra; howeer, infected men often do not hae symptoms. 男性毛滴虫感染通常发生在尿道,但感染者一般没有症状。
- Trichomoniasis, caused by the parasite, Trichomonas aginalis infects more than 170 million people worldwide each year. 滴虫病由阴道毛滴虫引起,全世界每年有1亿7千万人感染此病。
- Many bacteria in the vagina, how to tell them what is yeast, bacteria levy, bacteria or trichomoniasis? 阴道内的细菌很多,该如何分辨其中何者是酵母菌、征菌、细菌或滴虫呢?
- Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis is a rare but significant complication in immunocompromised patients. 在免疫低下的病人,肠壁囊样积气虽少见但却是严重的并发症;
- Pregnant women with trichomoniasis may delier a low birthweight (less than fie pounds) or premature infant. 怀孕的毛滴虫病妇女可能会产下低重儿(不足5磅)或早产儿。
- In men, trichomoniasis is most common in the urethra;howeer, infected men often do not hae symptoms. 男性毛滴虫感染通常发生在尿道,但感染者一般没有症状。
- Trichomoniasis is usually transmitted during vaginal intercourse: Females can infect males and vice versa. 滴虫病通常在阴道性交中被传染:女性能传染男性,反之亦然。
- Trichomoniasis is a contagious , venereal disease of cattle characterized by sterity, pyometra and abortion. 乳头瘤病为一种轻度的接触性传染病,可由直接或间接接触而传播。
- Conclusion Anastomotic stricture and obstruction of ansa intestinalis are the major causes of the reoperation. 结论吻合口狭窄及游离肠袢梗阻是再手术的主要原因。
- Trichomoniasis in women ranges from an asymptomatic state to a severe, acute, inflammatory disease. 滴虫性阴道炎发病可从初期无症状,发展为严重的急性感染。
- In the male, the symptoms of trichomoniasis may disappear by themselves within a few weeks, even without treatment. 在男性患者,症状会在数周内自行消失,甚至没有治疗也是这样。
- Newborns of a mother infected with trichomoniasis run the risk of blindness unless treated immediately after birth. 除非在出生后立即得到治疗,感染滴虫病的母亲生产的新生儿有致盲的危险。
- Trichomoniasis is a risk factor for development of post-hysterectomy cellulitis. 滴虫阴道炎也是子宫切除术后感染蜂窝组织炎的高危因素。