- Have you ever tried your hand at writing a novel? 你尝试过写小说吗?
- Do you want to try your hand at insurance? 你想试试保险行业吗?
- Do you want to try your hand at squash? 你想试试打壁球吗?
- Ever tried your hand at writing a play? 有没有尝试过写一出戏剧。
- Would you like to try your hand at ping-pong? 你想尝试一下打乒乓球吗?
- Why don't you try your hand at editing a newspaper? 你为什么不尝试着编辑一份报纸呢?
- Why don't you try your hand at editing the magazine? 你为何不去尝试一下编辑该杂志?
- If you want to try your hand at crappie, Alabama is a great place to do it. 皮肤容易过敏、面部皮肤过敏怎么办、过敏性皮肤的治疗、过敏性皮肤病、皮肤过敏原因、皮肤过敏了怎么办?美国康本是你明智之选。
- You can also try your hand at skiing or take an ice bike for a spin. 你也能试着亲手滑雪或者骑一辆冰上自行车转一圈。
- For classic twisting fun try your hand at the original Timed and Untimed modes. 风靡许久的超级单词续作发布了:现在就来体验这款游戏吧!
- Instead of ranting and raving, why not try your hand at inventing it? 我们为什么不试着发明而不是尽会抓狂呢?
- Stroll along the endless beaches, try your hand at crabbing or fishing, hoist a sail, tackle the surf or paddle a wave ski.. 如果您在找寻依个较轻松的餐饮,试试池边咖啡厅,可以在内用也可在外面使用您的餐点。
- Try your hand at boomerang throwing and watch as the Pamagirri Dancers display the humor and excitement of their native dance. 您可以试着扔回梭镖,观看帕玛基尼舞蹈演员们展示的幽默和对本土舞蹈的热衷。
- Now that you're a brand-new party member, you ought to assert your authority and try your hand at something important and distinguish yourself! 你刚进了党,正要露露脸,办一件大事,挂一个头功!
- If you want to do more than sunbathe, you can try your hand at elephant trekking, bungy jumping or have a ride on a Harley Davidson. 如果你除了晒日光浴还想参加点别的活动的话,你可以尝试骑大象,蹦极或者骑着一辆哈雷戴维森四处逛逛。
- If you would like to try your hand at making kimchi there are several cooking courses that you can join in Seoul to experience making kimchi. 如果你想动手制作泡菜,那么在汉城有好几烹饪学习班,你可以学习体验制作泡菜。
- Sega is the producer of the official video game of the Beijing Olympics and you can try your hand at shotput, diving, gymnastics and others. 世嘉(Sega)是制作官方版北京奥运电子游戏的公司,你可以试试推铅球、跳水、体操和其它项目。
- Youll learn about their way of life, try your hand at boomerang throwing and watch the Pamagirri Dancers perform traditional dances in the Rainforest Amphitheater. 了解他们的生活方式,您还可以学习扔回梭镖,观赏丰富精彩的土著文化艺术表演:舞台剧,土著祭祀和歌舞表演。
- Try your hand at big game fishing, watch and be fascinated by the dolphins at sunset, or perhaps set sail to the local islands for a treat of Maldivian culture. 日落时用手去抓大鱼,欣赏美丽的海豚或者扬帆去当地海岛了解马尔代夫文化。
- Interviewer: I'm curious how you choose what you translate. Have you ever considered trying your hand at more of Dante, beyond Canto25 of the Inferno? 我对你怎么选择翻译作品很是好奇,在翻译了《神曲·狱篇》第25章后,你有没有考虑翻译更多但丁的作品?