- I have tried and true friends here. 在这里我有一些忠诚可靠的朋友。
- I have tried and true friends here. It would need more than twice the salary you offer to tempt me to move elsewhere. 这里有我久经考验的朋友。如果你想引诱我去别处工作,你得出好几倍的薪水才行。
- I have tried and true friends here.It would need more than twice the salary you offer to tempt me to move elsewhere. 这里有我久经考验的朋友。如果你想引诱我去别处工作,你得出好几倍的薪水才行。
- Good afternoon. tried and true rent-a-car. 你好,TriedandTrueRent-a-Car出租车公司。
- Good morning. Tried and True Rend-a-Car. 早上好,是诚信租车公司。
- A tried and true friend 经过考验的真正的朋友
- And true friends stay forever beyond words, beyond time. 好朋友彼此关照,知心朋友彼此理解,真正的朋友永远超越言辞和时间之外。
- I'll try and rustle you up something to eat. 我设法给你弄点吃的。
- Will Scarlett they buried in the greenwood, and Robin mourned over the loss of a gallant fighter and true friend. 至于威尔史考烈特他们埋葬在他的绿林中,罗宾为了失去一位勇敢的战士和真正的朋友而悲伤。
- Perl is a very tried and true language, it's been around since the late eighties, but PHP is maturing very quickly. Perl是一种久经考验真正的语言,从上个世纪八十年代末起就到处都有,但是PHP成熟得非常快。
- A tried and true champion of his race, Rigwarl has unsuccessfully led the fight to defend his land against the onslaught of the scourge. 黎格沃,在鬃背兽一族里一个被磨练过的真正战士,在一次带领族人对抗天遣军猛攻的防御中失败了。
- Picture or metaphoric thinking through tarot is a tried and true way for innovations that work. 用图像或隐喻透过塔罗来思考,是实验证实的一种可创新思维的真正方法。
- The curveball becomes that rude awakening that often derails us from our tried and true plan to go from A to B. 当我们计画由A点启程前往B点时,曲球就像是个突然出现的莽汉,打乱我们原有的轨迹。
- The tried and true way of germinating Sarracenia seed is to cold stratify the seed for 4 weeks. 真正有利于瓶子草种子发芽的方法,是让种子在湿冷积层的环境下待4周左右(比较常听到6周的说法)。
- There are tried and true ways to avoid such a fate, starting with the simple maxim to live within your means. 要避免这样的命运,有不少经过检验的可靠方法,首先就是量入为出这句简单的格言。
- We did not forget creatine monohydrate, the tried and true form that has produced proven results time and time again. 我们也没忘记一水肌氨酸,这种一次次经考验证明为上佳的肌氨酸形式。
- A true friend sticks though thick and thin. 同甘共苦的朋友才是真正的朋友。
- He tried and tried but without success. 他试了又试却未成功。
- The true friend sticks through thick and thin. 真正的朋友会同甘共苦。
- You try and persuade her (to come out with us). 你去试试劝她(跟我们一起出去)吧。