- trip-over lever (翻转犁的)翻转控制杆
- 翻转犁|双向犁reversible plough
- 翻转犁壁turn-wrest
- 翻转retroflexion
- 全翻转犁reversible plough
- 犁plow
- 水平翻转flip horizontal
- 垂直翻转flip vertical
- 犁破土向前。The plough sliced through the earth.
- 液压翻转犁Hydraulic reversible plow
- 农夫给犁套上了牲口。The farmer yoked his plow.
- 翻转的evaginable
- 硬地难以受犁Rocky earth plows poorly.
- 犁侧板与犁沟相对犁的扁平的那侧The flat side of a plow opposite the furrow.
- 翻转唱片to turn a phonograph record
- 暗沟犁mole plough
- 翻转机构dumping gear
- 深沟一条深的沟或犁沟A deep furrow or ditch.
- 易翻转的Liable to capsize.
- 双向犁reversible plough