- tripotassium phosphate process 磷酸三钾法
- The coating can be white zine,color zine,nickel,phosphate processing or resin. 磁体表面防氧化层可采用镀白锌、五彩锌、镀镍、磷化、或环氧树脂喷涂。
- A dip phosphating process for hairpins was forwarded. 介绍了一室多用发夹浸磷磷化工艺。
- The regulation of nucleation and growth of phosphate film on gray cast iron was studied for the phosphating process with a bath of Zn-Ca system. 摘要通过对灰铸铁锌钙系磷化过程及其机理的研究,初步确定了磷化膜在灰铸铁基体表面的形核、长大规律。
- The coating can be white zine, color zine, nickel, phosphate processing or resin. 磁体表面防氧化层可采用镀白锌、五彩锌、镀镍、磷化、或环氧树脂喷涂。
- A hydroxyl ammonium sulfate (HAS) accelerated phosphating process has been studied. 对内含羟胺促进剂的磷化工艺进行了研究。
- A newly developed phosphating process under middle level temperature is put forword. 提出一种新型的钢铁中温锌钙系状态下的磷化工艺。
- The results show that the phosphating process has strengths such as well-distributed... 磷化液使用寿命长,成本低,污染小,适用于钢铁件的装饰和涂装的底层处理。
- Formula of a fast phosphating process at room temperature was optimized by orthogonal test. 通过正交试验优选出一种常温磷化液的配方。
- The color film phosphating process was improved , and the cost of phosphating agent was reduced by 50%. 改进了彩膜磷化工艺,将磷化剂的成本降低了50%25。
- Phosphating process has usually been adopted to improve the corrosion resistance of iron and steel. 磷化处理常用于提高钢铁件的耐蚀性。
- tripotassium phosphate 磷酸三钾
- Functional phosphating process is applicable to cold working industry,machinery finish industry,composite material industry,coating industry and so on. 功能性磷化工艺主要应用于冷加工业、机械工业、复合材料加工业、涂料工业等。
- The phosphating process has strengths such as easy preparation, low cost, fast phosphating rate, good corrosion resistance and application value. 该工艺配制简单、成本低、磷化速度快,磷化膜耐蚀性好,具有较好的应用价值。
- Formula of a new iron-series phosphating process was optimized by orthogonal test.The effect of temperature, time, total acidity and free acidity on phosphating was studied. 通过正交试验优选出一种铁系磷化液的最佳组成,研究了温度、时间、总酸度及游离酸等对磷化的影响。
- Pretreatment process for PVC laminating on different thin metal sheets was introduced. Formula, strengths and maintenance of degreasing and phosphating process were emphasized. 提出了一种适用于各种金属板贴塑的前处理工艺,着重介绍了脱脂和磷化的工艺配方、特点及槽液的维护。
- The experimental results showed that phosphating process can effectively reduce the friction coefficient of friction pairs of phosphating coating and cast iron. 试验结果表明:磷化工艺可以有效降低灰铸铁与磷化膜层之间的摩擦系数;
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。
- The new process extracts oil from shale. 这一新过程可从页岩里提炼出石油。