- trismus catarrhslis maxillaris 卡他性上颌痉挛
- Trismus bite him, gently shaking legs. 他紧咬牙关,两腿轻轻地抖。
- Open trismus, to smile, the base of the tongue loose, chin out. 开牙关,要微笑,舌根松,下巴掉。
- The masseter muscle is one of the most sensitive muscles, and trismus is one of the earliest symptoms. 咬肌是最敏感的肌肉之一,张口困难是最常见的早期症状之一。
- We present a case of pan-oral submucous fibrosis with severe trismus, 1 7.5 mm in maximal mouth opening (MMO). 本院提供一全口黏膜下纤维化并严重张口困难之病酬报告(张口度仅为十七点五毫米)。
- But again I ask, Li Weifeng has claimed that its determination not to bite trismus retired. 但是再一问时,李玮峰又紧咬牙关声称坚决不退役。
- The most common sign described has been swelling, include associated pain, rapid growth, trismus and dysphonia. 其主要的徵状为颚骨及颜面的肿胀伴随疼痛并有生长快速、牙关紧闭甚至焦虑不安等情形。
- Result There was no statistical significance among the 3 groups on trismus and pain. 结果三组术后张口受限度及疼痛分级差异无统计学意义。
- Difficulties must be important trismus, persistent efforts to achieve successful in your eyes. 遇到困难一定要要紧牙关,坚持不懈去努力,成功就在你的眼前。
- Accompanying symptom afld sign of trismus with oral submucous fibrosis (OSf) hinders the dental treatment and basic oral hygiene care. 其伴随的张口困难常会影响阻碍齿科治疗及增加口腔卫照护的困难度。
- We present a rare case of giant plunging ranula with headache and trismus, associated with an extensive right-sided tender swelling of the neck. 本病例为一罕见之巨大颈部蛤蟆肿以广泛颈部账痛、头痛及牙关紧闭表现。
- We reported two cases of a 83-year-old female and a 48-year-old male, who suffered from right otalgia, temporal painful swelling and trismus. 本院于2003年经历2例右侧颞窝及颞下窝脓疡之病例,年龄分别为83岁女性及48岁男性。
- Objective To solve trismus from fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva(FOP)in a rare case of a 17 year-old boy without esthetic side-effects. 目的解除进行性肌肉骨化症患者翼突至下颌骨骨性融合导致的完全开口受限。
- Eg.22 Much the most important early symptom of tetanus is trismus, a painless spasm of the chewing muscles which causes difficultly in opening the mouth and in masticating. 破伤风最重要的早期症状为牙关紧闭,即咀嚼肌无痛性痉挛,引起张口和咀嚼困难。
- There are many therapies to treat the trismus,such as durg therapy,occulusal splints,pulsing electromagnetic fields,medical iontophoresis,laser,acupuncture. 治疗张口困难的方法较多,常用的有药物、咬合板、脉冲电磁场、离子导入、激光、针灸等。
- Accurate planning and careful contouring of the fibula bone are very important.At the fourth month after the operation, the patient had severe trismus, a so... 本病例术后4个月上下颌移植腓骨块之间形成骨桥;导致张口受限;是血管蒂附带的腓骨骨膜成骨所致;再次手术切除骨桥及骨膜;并随诊2.;5a;未再出现张口受限。
- In chronic MMM there is atrophy of the jaw muscles, and scarring of the masticatory muscles due to fibrosis may result in inability to open the mouth (trismus). 慢性咀嚼肌肌炎中,下颌肌肉萎缩、咀嚼肌纤维化,这将导致犬只无法张口。
- "Open trismus, to smile," is bound to lead to the mention of the soft palate, which increased the space for the mouth has a certain strength can be enhanced oral resonance. “开牙关,要微笑”,必然引起软腭上提,这就增加了口腔的空间,具有一定的力量,可以加强口腔共鸣。
- Beginning in 2000,the Chinese government has practiced a two-year special plan in the western region and impoverished rural areas with 200 million yuan earmarked to combat the maternal mortality rate and eliminate trismus nascentium. 2000年起,中国政府在西部和农村贫困地区实施为期二年的专项计划,预计拨款2亿元,用于降低孕产妇死亡率和消除新生儿破伤风。
- Beginning in 2000, the Chinese government has practiced a two-year special plan in the western region and impoverished rural areas with 200 million yuan earmarked to combat the maternal mortality rate and eliminate trismus nascentium. 2000年起,中国政府在西部和农村贫困地区实施为期二年的专项计划,预计拨款2亿元,用于降低孕产妇死亡率和消除新生儿破伤风。