- Troop levels in Iraq rose from around 130,000 to nearly 170,000. 美在伊拉克士兵数量从130,000人增长到170,000人。
- There are at least three good reasons for cutting troop levels in Kashmir. 在克什米尔消减驻军至少有三条充足的理由。
- Increasing NATO troop levels in Afghanistan is the president's top priority at this summit in Latvia. 增加北约驻阿富汗部队是总统先生在拉脱维亚峰会上的主要议题。
- "And so the principle behind my decision on our troop levels will be insuring that we succeed in Iraq. 因此我作出驻军水平的决定的原则是确保我们在伊拉克取得成功。”
- Temporary spikes in troop levels have succeeded in tamping down insurgent violence in Iraq in the past. 过去临时提高军队级别曾成功地压制过伊拉克的反叛暴力。
- Testifying before a congressional committee, he said conditions had improved since the surging troop levels but remai ned fragile . 在一次国会全体会议上,他说情况已经从冲击军队的程度有所提高但仍需提高。
- In a news conference with Rumsfeld, Army General George Casey said he remains on track to recommend cutting U.S. troop levels this year. 美国驻伊部队凯西将军在同拉姆斯菲尔德举行的记者会上说,他仍旧建议今年减少美国驻伊部队人数。
- Public dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq made it more difficult for Bush to get the troop levels he needed for the surge. 公众对伊拉克战争的不满使得布什很难进一步提升战争的规模至他所需要的程度。
- A steady stream of Republicans are joining the drumbeat of Democrats calling for a new direction and a reduction of troop levels. 不断有共和党人加入民主党的队伍,要求改变伊拉克军队的路线并减少驻扎军队。
- President Bush met Monday in Washington with a commission studying the war and said conditions in Iraq, not politics, would dictate troop levels there. 布什总统星期一在华盛顿会见了伊拉克战争研究委员会,发表了在伊拉克应用武力而非政治手段处理。
- Mr Obama has indicated that he plans to draw down US troop levels in Iraq over the first 16 months of his administration, while bolstering the NATO presence in Afghanistan. 奥巴马已经表态,他计划在他执政的前16个月内削减驻伊拉克的美国军队,这实际上是支持北约(NATO)干预阿富汗问题。
- On troop levels, there are broadly three options: “go big”, “go long” or “go home”, as the Pentagon has dubbed it in a review parallel to Mr Baker's. 从军队层面上讲,大体上有三种可能性,即:“要么增援兵”“要么持久战”“要么回老家”这是国防部用一种排比的方式回顾总结贝克先生的报告而提炼出来的。
- Republican John McCain said he knows how to win wars, he also said the strategy of increasing troop levels in Iraq should also be applied to Afghanistan. 共和党人约翰表示他知道如何赢得战争,他同时表示提高伊拉克战争中的军队数量的战略也应当应用于阿富汗。
- That triggers a period of assessment by commanders there, and in Washington, that is expected to culminate in early September with new recommendations on U.S. troop levels. 在伊拉克和华盛顿的美军指挥官员因此会在今后一段时间里进行评估,预计在9月初结束评估时将提出驻伊拉克美军数量的新建议。
- But because is limited in the Oceanian area troop level, the native not too craves to the basketball, they obtain television to make public rate and obtains the income are few. 但是由于在大洋洲地区队伍水平有限,当地人对篮球并不太热衷,他们获得的电视曝光率和取得的收入都非常少。
- S. military to maintain a higher troop level in Afghanistan, which President Obama announced last month in response to increased insurgent attacks there during the past year. 奥巴马上个月宣布增加驻阿富汗美军人数,以应对过去一年阿富汗反叛势力持续增多的袭击行动。
- Vietnam War: White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler tells the press that there will be no more public announcements concerning American troop withdrawals from Vietnam due to the fact that troop levels are now down to 27,000. 1972年的越南战争:白宫新闻秘书让·齐格勒告知媒体基于在越的美军人数已减至2万7千人的事实,今后不会再有关于美军从越南撤军的公告。
- Frankly, I think the answer is continue what we are doing in Iraq and yes, increase our troop levels in Afghanistan and try to get other countries to contribute," said Eagleburger. 显然,我认为答案应该是继续我们目前在伊拉克所做的,同时增加我们在阿富汗的驻军水平,并且要求其他国家也做出贡献。”
- There is a troop of monkeys in the woods. 林子中有一群猴子。
- He came out with a troop of followers. 他带着一大群随从走出来。