- The army is on manoeuvres in the desert. 军队在沙漠中进行军事演习。
- Ships in combat can no longer load troops on them. 正在战斗中的船不能载卸部队了。
- They massed well-equipped troops on the frontier. 他们在边境上集结了装备精良的军队。
- troops on manoeuvres 调动[演习]中的部队
- Men in the balloons directed troops on the ground. 指挥官坐在气球里指挥地面部队。
- The officer was drilling his troops on a parade ground . 此军官在阅兵场训练军队。
- The baggage followed in the rear of the troops on march. 辎重跟随在行进军队的后部。
- The officer was drilling his troops on a parade ground. 此军官在阅兵场训练军队。
- Surrender of Italian-German troops on the island of Pantelleria. 潘泰莱里亚岛上的德意联军投降了。
- World War II: American forces defeat the last Japanese troops on Guam. 1944年的今天,二次世界大战中,美国军队击溃了在关岛的最后的一批日本兵。
- One that flanks, especially a soldier so positioned as to protect the flank of a column of troops on the march. 侧卫尤指在行军中为掩护或保卫纵队侧翼而设置的士兵
- D-Day invasion started with the landing of thousands of Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy. 上万的盟军部队在诺曼底登陆,拉开了反击日袭击的序幕。
- By massing troops on the border, the enemy telegraphed its intended invasion to the target country. 敌人在边界集结军队,暴露出其企图侵犯目标国
- As a pilot, your task today is to do a very low altitude flight and attack the enemy troops on the ground. 作为一名飞行员,你今天的任务是做超低空飞行,并且打击敌人的地面部队。
- Yes, we are prepared to continue to support AMISOM, which has Ugandan and Burundian troops on the ground. 他说,过渡政府得到非洲联盟和其非洲同盟索马里任务部队的支持,这为索马里恢复稳定局势提供了最好的机会。
- As the giant tank battle at Prokhorovka reached its climax, the Soviets ordered their troops on the Mius to attack. 随着普罗霍罗夫卡的坦克大战进入高潮,苏军下令他们在米乌斯河的部队开始进攻。
- Training_1 Unique knight's skill. Damage dealt by knight's troops on retaliation strikes is increased by 5%. 主技能>骑士专属特技。骑士率领的部队反击造成的伤害增加5%25。
- The first test of Elizabeth's rule came when the French Queen amassed troops on the Scottish border. 而在伊身边的也只有两个可信靠的人:保守老臣威廉和青梅竹马的情人罗拔。
- The major blamed the deaths of four troops on what he called the ministry's "chronic underinvestment. 这名少校指责,他手下4个士兵丧生就是由于英国国防部“长期吝于投资”所造成的。
- Training_3 Unique knight's skill. Damage dealt by knight's troops on retaliation strikes is increased by 20%. 骑士专属特技。骑士率领的部队反击造成的伤害增加20%25。