- true triaxial experiment 真三轴试验
- On the basis of data of true triaxial compression strength from experiment of red sandstone, the strength criteria of twin and octahedral shear stress with three pa... 根据真三轴压力强度试验资料,通过对八种岩石强度准则的回归分析对比,推荐两种三参数的双剪应力和八面体剪应力强度准则。
- The true triaxial pressure experiment for red sand rock is conducted for the purpose of investigation into the strength theory of rock and the effect of intermediate main stress. 为探讨岩石的强度理论和中间主应力效应,进行了红砂岩真三轴压力试验。
- Hunsche, U. and Albrecht H. (1990), Result of true triaxial strength tests on rock salt.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, V 35, n 4-5, 867-877. 翁孟嘉(2002),麓山带砂岩之力学特性及其与微组构关系研究,国立台湾大学土木工程学研究所博士论文。
- Through field test on dynamic response of subgrade and laboratory test on cyclic triaxial experiment, this paper studies the problems that how traffic load act on the subgrade. 本文通过路基动力响应的现场试验,并结合室内循环三轴试验,对交通荷载对路基动力作用的问题进行了研究。
- The true triaxial test result indicates that the trend of elastic ratio and Poisson's rations is getting downwards with the increasing of minorprinciple stress. 就该应力路径对宁波淤泥土进行了真三轴试验,针对真三轴试验结果,对本构关系中的弹性模量及反映侧向变形变化规律的泊松比进行了特定条件下的研究。
- A new and large self-servocontrol test equipment of true triaxial compression used in physical model tests of rock and soil mechanics is introduced in this paper. 介绍了用于岩土力学物理模型试验的大型自动控制的三轴压力试验设备的概况。
- Based on the ridge function derived from Matsuoka-Nakai,Lade-Duncan and Ottosen strength failure criteria,a modified Ottosen failure criterion is proposed and verified by the true triaxial strength test data of concrete and rock. 基于从Matsuoka-Nakai;Lade-Duncan和Ottosen等强度破坏准则导出的角隅函数;提出了修正的Ottosen强度破坏准则表达式;并通过混凝土和岩石的真三轴强度破坏试验结果进行验证.
- conventional triaxial experiment 三轴试验
- Study on soft soil by the true triaxial tests 软土的真三轴试验研究
- The application of Hall Effect transducer in triaxial experiment 霍尔效应传感器在土工试验中的应用
- True Triaxial Experimental Study on Rock Strength and Deformation 岩石强度和变形真三轴试验研究
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- True Triaxial Test of Medium Stress Influence on Duncan-Zhang Model 中主应力对邓肯-张模型影响的真三轴试验研究
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 这本小说原先是从一个真实的爱情故事发展而来的。
- It took me just on two hours to do this experiment. 做这个实验大约花了两个小时。
- I believe that he will show his true colors someday. 我相信他总有一天会现出原形的。
- True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation. 真正有远见卓识的人往往招致同时代人的误解。
- We are doing a chemical experiment. 我们正在做化学实验。
- The results of the experiment varied wildly. 实验结果差异很大。