- A country responsible for supervising a trust territory. 托管国负责管理监督托管领地的国家
- The former Belgian trust territory of Ruanda-Urundi, now divided into the independent countries of Rwanda and Burundi. 比利时属东非:比利时托管的前卢旺达-乌隆迪地区,现分为两个独立国家,卢旺达和布隆迪
- An island of the western Pacific Ocean in the southern Mariana Islands. It is part of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and was held by Spain, Germany, and Japan before being captured by U.S. troops in July1944 during World War II. 塞班岛西太平洋上马里亚纳群岛南部的一个岛屿,是美属太平洋岛屿托管地中的一部分,二次世界大战期间被美国占领以前先后被西班牙、德国和日本控制
- Formerly called the Trust Territory, Micronesia possesses only two-thirds the land area of Rhode Island, yet lies scattered over an expanse of ocean comparable to the contiguous United States. 曾作为托管领土的密克罗尼西亚仅仅拥有相当于罗德岛三分之二的领土面积。但它们散步于广阔的大洋之中,因此其领海面积可与毗邻的美国相比。
- Trust Territory Health Planning Council; 托管领土卫生规划理事会;
- Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; 太平洋岛屿托管领土;
- From the 1870s to the 1960s, the colonialist system mainly consisted of colonies, protectorates and protected states as well as trust territories. 从19世纪中后期开始,殖民主义体系主要由三类不同程度上依附于宗主国的地区所构成,即殖民地、保护领与保护国、托管地。
- High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; 太平洋岛屿托管领土高级专员;
- The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty. 女孩的那些首饰将被托管到她二十岁为止。
- It is a barbarous way to extend territory by arms. 以武力扩张领土是一种野蛮的方式。
- They ceded territory to a neighboring state. 他们把领土割让给邻国。
- I'll trust you to behave responsibly while I'm out. 我相信你在我外出期间会认真办事的。
- You'll just have to take what I say on trust. 你只管相信我说的话就是了。
- The war was carried into enemy territory. 战争已伸展到敌方领土。
- I don't trust his promise to come for a visit. 我不相信他会如约前来访问。
- How much territory does he travel over? 他旅行的地方有多大?
- Trust you to dream up a crazy scheme like this! 亏你想得出这种异想天开的计划!
- Rival salesmen were poaching on his territory. 这些推销员是竞争对手,却跑到他的地盘来兜生意。
- I trust his discretion absolutely. 我完全相信他的判断。
- We parachuted into enemy territory. 我们跳伞空降到敌占区。